[From Wednesday, January 7, 1885, through February 4, 1885.]
H. P. STANDLEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 7, 1885.
Regarding the Reported Sale of the ATraveler.@
There have been many reports regarding the assumed sale of the TRAVELER to myself. There is this foundation for them. A price was fixed for which it could have been bought and that fact became public. Other matters arose in which the public are not interested and the negotiations were not perfected. I doubly appreciate the courtesy, cordiality, and kindness of the citizens of this lively bustling business city shown myself and shall ever remember the place with gratitude. I would enjoy being one of them. The way, however, does not seem to be open at present and I, therefore, regretfully bid them good-bye. J. C. DOUGLASS.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 7, 1885.
Caldwell, Kansas. January 5. About two o=clock yesterday morning a party of boys on a lark found a party of boomers in a saloon playing cards. The boys, in frightening the boomers, kicked over a table. The boomers skipped for camp. One more bold than the rest returned with a pistol. The boys gave him a chase, and when nearing camp he turned and fired upon them. Two balls took effect in the abdomen of Jake Wendell, one of the boys. The boomer was arrested and by request of the wounded man turned loose, he stating that had he been in the boomer=s place, he would have killed the entire party. Physicians removed both balls from Wendell=s body today. He is thought to be out of danger.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 7, 1885.
A Timely Movement.
The railroad commissioners, evidently having the public interest in view, have issued the following circular to all traffic managers and general freight agents of roads operated in Kansas.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, December 23, 1884.
DEAR SIR: In view of the very low price of grain at the present time, and the comparatively small amount being moved, causing stagnation to trade and business, the members of the railroad commissioners have deemed it advisable to ask the gentlemen conducting the freight and traffic of all the roads operating in Kansas to meet this board on the 5th day of January, 1885, at 3 o=clock p.m., at their office in Topeka for the purpose of discussing the present situation of affairs, and, if possible, to devise measures to alleviate the prevailing distress. The board requests that you meet them at the time and place named.
By the board of railroad commissioners.
Attest: E. J. TURNER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 7, 1885.
To Be A Convict.
We clip the following from the Kansas City Journal, as a number of the victims of the bank he robbed now live in this neighborhood.
James B. Glenn, for many years cashier of the Bank of Bloomfield, Iowa, was arrested by Detective Hunt, in West Kansas today, on the charge of embezzling $160,000 from the bank in 1877. Glenn has been twice arrested in Kansas on the same charge, but in both cases was released on a writ of habeas corpus before the proper papers arrived for his transfer from Kansas to Iowa. Recently he located in this city, and has been employed as a bookkeeper for a firm here. He has been rooming on West Fifth Street, between Wyandotte and Central. This evening when Glenn left his place of business, he was shadowed by Detective Hunt, who followed him to his room and there arrested him. He was at once turned over to the sheriff of Mercer County, Missouri, who left with him last night on the Rock Island for Iowa. Glenn is a fine looking old gentleman of about 60 years of age, with gray hair and beard, and is quite genteely dressed. He took his arrest very coolly. In the papers brought for Glenn, it is charged that he defrauded the Bank of Bloomfield out of $100,000, but the amount directly charged and which he is taken back on is $1,400. The charge of embezzling the remainder will be placed against him when he arrives in Iowa.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 7, 1885.
Ed. Traveler:
I receive your paper every week, and like it very well. That paper it is really very nice indeed too; and also since get that paper I did not write to you any tall, but today I will write to you this morning. We Indian boys, and girls too, we are come after education and learn to support. What is that we Indian boys and girls are after? We are after an education, so as to be some kind of business men and women.
The first name that was given to the Indian was fighters. But do you suppose we, who are here, will fight when we go back home, yes, against the government? No; we will fight for our living by working; fight the bad in our hearts. But some people call us beggars. I hope none of us will be beggars, but learn to support ourselves a most of them. So we had great deal exercises to workers to the shops, and the shops are blacksmith, carpenter, tailor, shoe-maker, harness shop, tin shop. And we have school half day, and work half day too, but we can learn right on too. Also that my own people have no education, they have, but not large tall, just a little, never work, keep on tall, but now we Indian children try to get great deal education, doing same as white people does; so we have everything, then we go back home and show our people how to work. Anyhow, I was here this place two years now; I cannot learn everything if I came from Indian Territory.
Now that is all I have to say to you the first time because I have very short time today. I have to do exercises in the school soon. It is time too. That is all say Good day. From your Truly Friend,
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Police Court has been quiet this week.
Joe Finkleburg spent New Years at the hub.
Will Berkey was over from Salt City Monday.
J. W. Heck spent New Years with his family here.
D. L. Means received a carload of windmills last week.
E. T. Williamson was over from Wellington Saturday.
S. P. Gould returned from a trip to Wichita last Tuesday.
We call attention to the card of J. C. Douglass on the editorial page.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
We call attention to the advertisement of Fitch & Barron in another column.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Gent=s Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Fancy Goods, Glass and Queensware.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Arkansas City Coal Company, exclusive agent for Canon City coal.
Archie Dunn has finished putting up ice. He has 130 tons in his ice house.
Chas. E. Haynes and S. T. Evans, of Hillsoboro, Ohio, are in the city prospecting.
The TRAVELER has turned out an unusually large number of job work the last week.
W. A. Daniels, of Hawley, Pennsylvania, a friend of A. D. Hawk, is now clerking for S. Matlack.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Breene, Monday night, January 5, a girl--usual weight.
C. M. Scott and wife returned Monday from their visit to Mr. Scott=s old home in Ohio.
Col. T. S. Moorhead left on the afternoon train Friday, for the north part of the state.
All box rents are now due at the Post Office; to retain your box, prompt payment is necessary.
F. W. Farrar is expecting every day the fine stallion he purchased while in St. Louis in November.
Chas. Coombs, wife and boy, came down from Wichita Tuesday, to visit friends and relatives.
The auction sale of Fitch & Barron has been largely attended, and a good many goods disposed of.
J. W. Hamilton is happy now. His family arrived here last week and are now living in the rear of his store.
Frank Berkey, who is located in Edwards County, this state, visited friends and relatives in this city last week.
Wellington has closed her saloons. Good! It will take several advance steps, yet, though, to come up to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of S. E. Maxwell, Miss Carrie Maxwell and E. M. Wilson, Rev. J. O. Campbell officiating.
Our friend, W. B. Hagins, went on a coon hunt the other night, and if Joe Finkelburg tells the truth, he had lots of sport.
We are sorry to learn that Miss Fannie Skinner has been seriously indisposed for a few days, and hope to learn of her speedy recovery.
J. C. Pickering went to Pawnee Agency last Thursday to be present at the quarterly payment of the Indians. He returned yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Ashland parties who were arrested for complicity in the hanging of Joe Mitchell, the cowboy assassin, have had their trial and been acquitted.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Judge Marshall, of Leavenworth, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Houston, living near Geuda Springs, passed through the city Saturday on his way home.
The Cheyenne Transporter copied a number of items from the TRAVELER in last issue, but Lafe gave us credit for them--something a great many others do not.
Rev. S. B. Fleming goes to Wichita next Sabbath to conduct communion services in Rev. Hewitt=s church. Consequently, there will be no evening service in the White Church on that day.
T. V. McConn and wife, J. W. Hutchison and wife, R. P. Hutchison and wife, J. W. Patterson and wife, and Mathew Leech and wife spent New Year=s Day at Hubert Ferguson=s in East Bolton.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
A number of cowboys were in town on a round-up during the holidays.
Cal. Swarts came over yesterday to eat turkey with C. R. Mitchell.
Miss Nellie Swarts has been quite sick the past week, but is now recovering.
Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Mr. George Kroenert has been chosen manager of the Wichita Opera House. Wichita Eagle.
George is a brother of our John, and if he is as great a rustler as his brother, he will make things hum in the dramatic line this winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
MARRIED. Married New Year=s evening, at 4 o=clock p.m., at the residence of Dr. J. Alexander, Miss Jennie Reynolds and Russell L. Cowles, Rev. Buckner officiating. Russ called on us Friday with the cigars and received the congratulations of the entire force.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Our genial and efficient sheriff, G. H. McIntire, weeded out another hole last week. He and his deputies raided a blind tiger in the Fahey building in Winfield and arrested the manipulator. Truly blind is the tiger that attempts to find encouragement on Cowley County soil.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The ball at the Leland Hotel Thursday evening was said to be one of the most enjoyable of the season. This of course goes without saying, with the following committees.
Committee on arrangements: S. Matlack, G. W. Cunningham, and A. V. Alexander.
Committee on invitation: Mrs. A. V. Alexander, Mrs. J. W. Heck, and Miss Gatwood.
Committee on music: Al. Levy.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
L. D. Davis and wife and Miss Eva Davis, of Pawnee, are in the city this week.
Ed. Grady is left forlorn again. His wife started for a month=s visit to Ohio last Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Wyeth Cattle Company are furnishing a house in fine style on their range in the Territory. It will be occupied by the manager and his wife.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The city clerk says the city is about $600 in debt now--a most favorable comparison to this time last year, when no one knew what the debt was.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Mahlon Bond and family started to Sylvania, Indiana, Tuesday, to make a year=s visit among friends and relatives. The TRAVELER, of course, will follow him.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The guests of the Windsor made an elegant present to Mrs. J. A. McIntyre, the handsome and accomplished wife of the proprietor, in the shape of a beautiful turquoise ring and a pin.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
We see our businessmen spinning along the streets and darting in the store doors with hands full of slips. We found out what they meant, and beg leave to inform all such that we are Aout.@
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
L. T. Yount, of Topeka, special reporter for the Commonwealth, called on us Monday. He has been down to Kaw Agency on business, and stopped here to write up the liveliest town in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
T. V. McConn has been unable to fill his place behind the counters at O. P. Houghton=s for the last week on account of illness. It goes without saying that his place can be filled by no other in this country.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
MARRIED. The wedding cards of Frank J. Hess and Mary A. Johnson arrived Monday. The ceremony took place January 1st at the residence of the bride=s parents at Suncook, New Hampshire. They will be AAt Home@ February 12.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
W. C. Stewart, lumber salesman, and T. W. Wilson, a banker and lumberman of Minneapolis, arrived in this city last Friday and spent a few days with our lumber and other businessmen. They returned Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Miss Anna Ferris, who has just completed the excellent kindergarten course under the management of Miss Kuhlman, has gone to Arkansas City, where she expects to open a school of this character. Emporia News.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
West Ferguson is building a neat little cottage on Fourth Street. The appearance of this street has been wonderfully changed in the past year. There have been in that time twenty-five houses erected there, and all neat and some commodious.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Ladies= Mite Society of the Baptist Church will meet at the residence of Mrs. N. T. Snyder Friday afternoon at 2 o=clock. At 6 p.m. refreshments will be served, to which all have a very pressing invitation to attend and enjoy a good social time.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Oklahoma Town Company have applied for a charter. The officers are W. D. Kreamer, H. M. Maidt, and C. G. Thompson.
LATER. The charter has been obtained, and the organization will be perfected Thursday night.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Al. Levy has been permanently removed to Wellington, and Abe Rosenfield has taken his place in the Arcade here. We are glad to have Abe with us again, and believe that Brunswick=s business must prosper under the management of two such as Sam Wile and Abe Rosenfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
At least fifty hired girls could obtain good homes and reasonable wages in this city. Some of the thousands being thrown out of employment in the East, would do well to come to Kansas, if they are not afraid of work. Cherryvale Globe-News.
This seems to be the cry all over the state, and Arkansas City is no exception.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Arkansas City is now a city of thhe second class, and we again call the attention of our citizens to the fact that we are compelled to register, if we wish to have a voice in the government of it. The poll books are now open at the office of the city clerk, James Benedict, at Shindel=s old stand. REGISTER.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Will McConn is editing the TRAVELER. Republican.
E pluribus muleum. Democrat.
Ye Gods and little fishes! E PLURIBUS MULEUM. Shades of Socrates and Bob Ingersoll! Our e. c. intended this for Latin, but if so is hog latin--a presumption strengthened by _________ but Ajudge not that ye be not judged.@
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The ninth annual meeting of the Kansas State Historical Society will be held in the senate chamber at Topeka on Tuesday evening, January 20, 1885, for the election of one-half the members of the board of directors, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting.
F. P. BAKER, President.
G. G. ADAMS, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
We have to return thanks to V. M. Ayres for the present of 100 pounds of his Patent flour, manufactured at the Canal Mills since it has been provided with rollers throughout. We have tried and flour and find it the best we ever used. It will make the whitest bread, the flakiest biscuits, and the nicest cakes we ever had the pleasure of eating. We can recommend this new flour of V. M. Ayres in every respect, and do so now.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
E. D. Eddy met with a serious accident last Friday. He was doing some work on the platform back of his store, and by some means slipped and fell, falling a distance of about ten feet onto the stone steps leading to the cellar, lighting on his side and stomach.
He was quickly taken home, and Drs. Mitchell and Westfall, after examination, found bruises of a somewhat serious nature. We are glad to learn, however, that he is recovering faster than we thought possible.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The city has been divided into four wards. The dividing lines are at the intersection of Summit Street and Central Avenue. That part of the city lying east of Summit and north of Central is the First Ward. That part lying east of Summit and south of Central is the Second Ward. That part lying west of Summit and south of Central is the Third Ward. That part lying west of Summit and north of Central is the Fourth Ward. We are in the Second Ward, ourselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Our juvenile population is coming to the front in good shape. Monday night of last week some of them surprised Fred McLaughlin, at his home, that being his 19th birthday. He acquitted himself nobly in performing the duties of host.
On New Year=s Eve quite a number surprised Miss Tillie Hetler, at the residence of Mr. Noble, on North Summit street, and had a very pleasant time.
Still another crowd of young folks waited the old year out and new year in at the residence of W. H. Snyder in the southwest part of town. AThe boy is father to the man.@
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
L. E. Woodin, Jr., has been down at Gray Horse assisting Finney, Schiffbauer & Co. In opening their stock of goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Geo. A. Eddy, of Leavenworth, arrived Monday to visit his brother and learn the extent of his injuries. He returned yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Prof. W. J. Hadley left on Tuesday morning by train, en route to Dexter, Iowa, where he will spend sometime recuperating. The professor will be missed by a wide circle of relatives and friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The card of Col. Douglass regarding the purchase of the TRAVELER, in another column of this issue, is sufficient notice to the readers and patrons of this paper that it will continue under the sole management of the undersigned.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
A man of Crawfordsville, Indiana, offered a $60 stove for fifty ears of corn which would weigh the most. One hundred and seven farmers competed. The fifty ears which won the prize weighed 67 pounds. What a picnic that would be for Cowley County farmers.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Uriah Spray returned from Wellington last week, and reported that his son-in-law, J. R. Perry, was better. Friday, however, a letter was received, stating that he was worse, if anything, and Amos Spray left on Saturday=s train for that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Read the letter from Carlisle Barracks in another column. As an example of the progress our Indian children are making, we print it, and think it not so bad, considering that he went there two years ago with no education whatever.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Misses Martin, Miss Minnie Stewart, Sam Wile, and Sam P. Gould spent a pleasant time at Mrs. Heck=s residence Monday night, pulling taffy. Sam Gould declared he swallowed the cent but the girls declare that he could not swallow all the flour.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
A rumor is current on the street that Gen. Hatch has been ordered to stay all proceedings agsint the boomers for thirty days. Capt. Thompson telegraphed this to the Wichita Eagle. Nevertheless 16 cars of soldiers and horses arrived at Caldwell Monday night, ordered to report to Hatch.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
We do not like to brag--seldom do so--but we think this issue of the TRAVELER will bear us out in saying that it is the best local paper ever issued in Arkansas City. And it is not so much above our average, either--if we do not take an opportunity every week to Ablow.@
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The superintendent of the Chilocco schools, Dr. Minthorn, brought in sixty-eight Indian children Sunday from Sac & Fox, Pawnee, and Ponca Agencies. A few of these will be sent to the Indian school at Lawrence, and the balance retained here. The doctor will have a few over two hundred students when he has them all in.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The ladies of the Presbyterian society made the church an elegant present last week in the way of new chandeliers. They are three in number with eighteen lamps, which give double the light of an ordinary lamp. The chandeliers are of a new and unique pattern, presenting a very fine appearance, which we shall not attempt to describe.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The ladies of the Episcopal Society desire to return their sincere thanks to the ladies who so kindly contributed to their social and assisted them in their work. To the many who honored them with their attendance, and especially to the Masons for the use of their hall, are their thanks due.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Drs. Reed and Mitchell performed a very difficult and delicate surgical operation last Tuesday. They amputated the limb of Myrtle Franciso midway between the knee and thigh. The little girl has been suffering for twenty months with chronic scynovetis and the operation was made to save her life. The doctors report her doing very well, but she is not out of danger yet--as they fear blood poisoning.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The State Teachers= Association adjourned December 31, after a three days= very successful session. Prof. Taylor, of the State Normal school, presided. Four hundred teachers were in attendance. Papers were read upon a large variety of topics relating to teaching. The meeting is regarded as the most successful ever held by the association. Prof. Jos. H. Canfield, of the State university, was elected president for the ensuing year.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
W. B. Hargins and A. W. Patterson, in their usual great hearted way, took pity on six little shavers who perambulate the streets, crying Ashine yer boots,@ and took them up to the Episcopal supper, New Year=s evening, and fed them such a supper as we warrant they had not seen for a long time. When there is any in need or suffering, there is no need of going farther than to these gentlemen--whose pocket books are ever open in such a cause. If this act and others, of which the public wot not, were more generally followed, there would be less hunger and privations among the poor of our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Tell W. Walton, of the Caldwell Journal, was interviewed in Topeka the other day. He says that he was on the grounds when the settlement at Rock Falls was broken up, acting in the capacity of associated press reporter, and was some distance away from the War Chief building when it was fired. The man who filed the complaint is said to have been three-quarters of a mile away and under arrest. He said there were about 250 men in Oklahoma now, and that within ten days there will be from 1,000 to 1,200 of Uncle Sam=s soldiers on the ground. It is his opinion that the boomers will be removed from the Territory if they are peaceable, and will be shot down if they resist. Mr. Walton speaks well of the men who have gone to Oklahoma; but says it is a scheme to make money, and that it cannot be disguised into anything else. He is in favor of opening the Territory in a proper manner.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Episcopal ladies were overrun, New Year=s afternoon, with visitors, who came to enjoy their hospitality--which is renowned in Arkansas City. The names of the ladies who received were:
Mrs. W. E. Gooch.
Mrs. R. E. Grubbs.
Mrs. Nicholson.
Mrs. M. S. Hasie.
Mrs. Frank Beall.
Mrs. John Landes.
Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Mrs. A. J. Chapel.
Miss Jennie Peterson.
Misses Hasie, Etta Barnett, Mame Stineman, Minnie Stewart.
The names of the principal callers we append below.
Maj. M. S. Hasie.
Mr. Nicholson.
I. H. Bonsall.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg.
T. S. Moorhead.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell.
A. D. Hawk.
Rev. J. O. Campbell.
J. H. Hilliard.
Chas. Chapel.
Phil. L. Snyder.
Ed. L. Kingsbury.
Lute V. Coombs.
Leavitt Coburn.
Frank M. Grosscup.
Richard L. Howard.
B. E. Grubbs.
S. Matlack.
C. Mead.
John Kroenert.
Sam P. Gould.
Dr. A. J. Chapel.
Wyard E. Gooch.
Dr. G. H. J. Hart.
C. H. Searing.
G. W. Cunningham.
F. P. Schiffbauer.
Charles Schiffbauer.
O. Ingersoll.
Sam Wile.
Al. Levy.
Frank Beall.
C. R. Sipes.
R. C. Multer.
The ladies received royally, and a royal attendance was the result.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
An Animal That was Born to Die in Infamy.
Developments have proven that Cowley=s climate is death on Ablind tigers.@ Scarcely do they see the light before their toes are summarily turned up to the daisies. A tiger hide makes an excellent Christmas gift, as was attested by Sheriff McIntire last Thursday morning. As the Winfield Courier mentioned last week, it was known that a blind tiger had existed for several days in the Jim Fahey building on East Ninth Avenue, and that the thirsty had been constantly wending their way in and out. The query of our officials was the most approved method of choking the animal. But he took bait Christmas morning. In the absence of the Atiger=s@ vigils, Sheriff McIntire and Deputies Frank W. Finch and Tom H. Herrod, obtained entrance, put a dollar in the circular trough, and ordered Athree whiskies.@ Around went the trough, a hand was seen to take the money, and back came the three wishkeys and fifty cents in change. The officials tasted the Aforty rod,@ and immediately demanded admittance to the den. The demand was refused, and the sheriff, holding an iron-clad warrant, kicked in the door. In the meantime the tiger had run into Tom Herrod=s anxious arms in trying to make a hasty exit through the front door. The operator was Dick Hawkins, a young man who has been about the city for some time. In default of bail he was promptly lodged in the bastille. The tiger=s premises contained a large stock of whiskey. Hawkins= trial will probably develop other guilty parties. Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Harvey County Bank Suspension.
The Harvey County Bank, of Newton, suspended payment on December 31, under the following circumstances. The bank had advanced large amounts to secure the building of water works at Newton, and being unable to dispose of the bonds, hypothecated them with their correspondents in New York City. The note is due now, and the Harvey County Bank had made arrangements to renew it, which it was supposed were made in good faith. They had large balances in New York City, also, and only two days before the suspension had sent $2,500 more. On December 30 a telegram was received, announcing tht the funds of the bank in the hands of the correspondents had been applied on the note and that their drafts had been protested. A meeting of the directors was called that evening and held, and after canvassing the matter fully, it was decided to continue the business. Next morning some of the heaviest depositors demanded their money of the bank, and Mr. C. B. Schmidt, president, announced that a run would not be allowed; that the bank was safe, and that he did not propose to allow the depositors or the bank to be robbed by anybody; that the bank would be closed until the matter could be satisfactorily arranged. Capt. Spivey, the vice president, made oath as to the condition of the bank, and it was shown that the bank had $90,000 more than its liabilities, and that their embarrassment would be only temporary.
There is no reason for fears on the part of anybody, so far as we can learn. Other banks will not be affected should matters reach a bail stage with this bank. The suspension is due to circumstances and not to a lack of stability.
We understand that the Newton Daily Republican published the statement of the condition of the bank, sworn to by Vice President Spivey, but we failed to get our copy of it, and have obtained our information from a gentleman who was there, and who says the assets of the bank are $96,000 and the liabilities $106,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Beans! Beans!
In accordance with the announcement made in last week=s TRAVELER, the committee to count the beans in the bean guessing scheme of Sweeny & Smith, met in the office of Collins & Shelden at half past nine Tuesday morning. The number of tickets sold was about 1,350, of which 1,000 had been returned with guesses.
A. C. Gould, J. M. Collins, W. G. Gray, and Will V. McConn, the committee, after a careful count, found the exact number to be 9,327, and awarded the prizes as follows.
First prize: a set of French-China dishes of 52 pieces, J. L. Mann. Number guessed: 9,322.
Second prize: set of fancy table dishes, Joseph Hoskins and R. Kapp, tie. Number guessed: 9,333.
Third prize: silver castor, J. Q. Ashton. Number guessed: 9,326.
Fourth prize: hanging lamp, H. S. Ford. Number guessed: 9,338.
Fifth prize: Meerschaum pipe and cigar holder, Edward Nail. Number guessed: 9,300.
Sixth prize: Meerschaum pipe and cigar holder, H. S. Ford. Number guessed: 9,293.
Seventh prize: five baskets of fine Japan tea, Mary Shindel. Number guessed: 9,368.
Eighth prize: chamber set, Joe Gartis. Number guessed: 9,369.
Ninth prize: fancy lamp, E. D. Eddy. Number guessed: 9,379.
Tenth prize: calico dress, Frank Bryant. Number guessed: 9,282.
Eleventh prize: mustache cup and saucer, S. R. Turner. Number guessed: 9,400.
Twelfth prize: fancy lamp, L. Pile. Number guessed: 9,401.
Of the twelve guesses the farthest is only 73 from the number, which is very fair guessing for Kansans. It is to be remembered that the jar which contained the beans was globular--a form very deceptive. This will perhaps explain the difference in the guesses. It is extremely curious the different ways people look at things. For example, this bean guessing. The number guessed ranged from 1,320,000 down to 150; a slight difference of 1,319,850--the extreme views taken by two men. This business of guessing, like everything else, is governed by common sense rules that every man should certainly have at his finger=s end; and which every man may acquire a knowledge of if they only thought. A comparison instituted just here will illustrate our meaning. Ask almost any groceryman and he will tell you that a pint cup will hold in the neighborhood of 1,100 beans, average size. This is something we all ought to know. Taking this as a basis we have the following results: The man who guessed 150 guessed an amount that would just about cover the bottom of a pint cup--while the globe which contained the beans holds a little over a gallon. About one-third of the guesses would not figure up one pint. Take the other extreme now. The largest guess figures up over eighteen bushels. At least twenty-five guessed over five bushels. This is not good guessing, even for Kansans.
Neither the shape of the vessel nor the difference in people will explain this wide difference. The only way we can solve this is that a great number of the guessers did not make use of their usual horse sense.
P. S. We will warrant that those who read this article and also guessed at the beans will never forget that a pint will hold about 1,300 beans--which is the moral that adorns the tale.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Knights of Pythias.
Triumph Lodge No. 116, of Arkansas City, Kansas, was instituted last Friday night, with the following members.
Judge A. J. Pyburn.
T. J. Sweeny.
G. W. Miller.
C. C. Sollitt.
T. H. McLaughlin.
F. W. Farrar.
G. S. Howard.
J. J. Clark.
J. M. Ware.
W. E. Moore.
H. P. Standley.
H. P. Farrar.
J. L. Huey.
J. A. McIntyre.
W. B. Higins.
W. D. Mowry.
C. Mead.
O. Stevenson, Jr.
The lodge was instituted by the following members of the Newton lodge.
John S. Haines, Chancellor Commander.
G. W. Holmes, Past Chancellor.
P. J. Mathis, Past Chancellor.
Henry E. Brunner, Vice Chancellor.
H. Godfrey, Master at Arms.
A. R. Ainsworth, Issac Levy, and J. A. Heilman.
After the institution of the lodge in due form, the following officers were elected and installed.
A. J. Pyburn, Past Chancellor.
W. D. Mowry, Chancellor Commander.
H. P. Farrar, Vice Chancellor.
J. L. Huey, Prelate.
C. C. Sollitt, Keeper of Records and Seal.
T. H. McLaughlin, Master of Finance.
F. W. Farrar, Master of Exchequer.
T. J. Sweeny, Master at Arms.
G. W. Miller, Inside Guardian.
J. J. Clark, Outside Guardian.
In the final instructions the visiting brethren remarked that they never before had had the pleasure of instituting a lodge with such bright prospects of future usefulness and growth, and that has the inherent strength and stability that Triumph Lodge No. 116 had.
After the initiatory ceremonies were concluded, all adjourned to the dining room of the Windsor Hotel, where a feast was served, Asuch as never man saw@--all the delicacies of the season, and served only as Mo, the genial host, and his able corps of assistants can. Thus the time passed until nearly five o=clock Saturday morning, when the participators parted, the visitors extending their heartiest thanks to the new lodge for the Knightly manner in which they had been received, having been treated in a truly royal way, worthy of their patron Knights of old.
The new lodge returns thanks to the visiting K. P.=s for their kindness and vote them to be genial, jovial, generous fellows with hearts fully as large as their feet, and hope to meet them many times in and out of the lodge room.
The visitors left on the 2:30 p.m. train Saturday for Newton.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Juvenile Concert.
The cantata, ARed Riding Hood, or the Dangers of Disobedience,@ delivered at Highland Hall, by Prof. Duncan last Saturday evening, was a most enjoyable entertainment. The little ones acquitted themselves nobly. The singing of Miss Duncan and Mrs. Stevenson are to be specially mentioned as forming the most enjoyable part of the entertainment.
Great credit is due Miss Headley, the director, too.
The audience was large and attentive, and duly appreciated the endeavor to please them. The receipts at the door was between $50 and $60.
The Border Band dispensed some very fine music in front of the hall before the performance commenced. The band is something we are all proud of.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Public Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public auction at his residence, one mile west of Geuda Springs, commencing at 10 o=clock a.m., Thursday, January 15, 1885, the following described property, to-wit.
Thirty-five Cows and Heifers.
Fifteen Yearling Heifers.
Four Yearling Steers.
Thirty-five Calves.
One Hereford Bull, high grade.
Three yearling bulls, grade Short-horns.
TERMS OF SALE: Sums of $10 and less, cash in hand. Amounts over $10, eight months= time will be given without interest, on approved security. If notes are not paid when due, they will bear interest from date. Ten percent discount for cash.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Sold Out.
McDowell Bro.=s, who have been with us for the past six months in the City meat market, disposed of their business last week to D. R. Beatty, of Iola.
McDowell Bros. have made a great success in their business here, and have proved themselves to be energetic pushing businessmen. We regret their loss; but at the same time we welcome Mr. Beatty, who is worthy to step into their shoes and make things hum in his line.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
I. O. O. F.
The following officers were installed last Monday night.
S. C. Lindsay, N. G.
W. C. Guyer, V. G.
J. M. Gooden, S.
J. M. Godfrey, P. S.
M. C. Copple, T.
J. J. Gamble, W.
Geo. Russel, O.
After the installation, the members and their ladies adjourned to the Windsor Hotel, where supper was served.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Notice. The voters of Creswell Township will meet in caucus at the office of Judge Kreamer, in Arkansas City, January 31, at 11 p.m., for the purpose of making nominations for township officers. All are requested to be present. By order of committee.
F. M. VAUGHN, One of Committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Stock-holders= Meeting. The annual meeting of the stock-holders of the Arkansas City Water Power Company will be held at the Cowley Co. Bank on the 9th day of February, 1885, at 8 p.m. W. M. SLEETH; Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Our City Dads.
COUNCIL ROOM, January 5, 1885.
Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, major, and O. S. Rarick, T. Fairclo,
A. A. Davis, councilmen.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
The following bills were allowed.
A. A. Newman & Co.: $1.40
W. L. Aldridge & Co.: $13.60
Benedict & Owen: $8.35
James Moore: $12.75
James Hill: $18.39
C. R. Sipes: $2.35
James Hill was found indebted for boat and cable $40, and paid the balance $21.01 to Judge Kreamer.
Reports received and placed on file.
TO DRAFT SENT NOV. 26: $79.17; $108.11.
BY BALANCE IN OUR FAVOR: $1.76; $108.11.
Moved and carried that the City Engineer be instructed to purchase coal [??] City Waterworks.
Adjourned to meet Jan. 19.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Bold, Bad Men from Butler.
J. J. Breene, W. J. Gray, and Henry Coryell captured three men hailing from El Dorado, who were wanted there pretty badly. A reward of $100 had been offered for their arrest and was divided by the officers who effected their Around-up.@ The circumstances as nearly as we can learn them were that the men, Riley Bennett, Warren Bennett, and Dick Roe had been working for Judge J. H. Hill, of El Dorado for some time. A few weeks ago they bought two shotguns, two Winchesters, and three six-shooters, promising to pay for them in a month. Last week they went to a bank in El Dorado and obtained $200, mortgaging some stock that belonged to Judge Hill. As soon as they had obtained this money, they made arrangements to leave. This they did, taking with them two span of fine horses, a spring wagon, and a farm wagon, all belonging to the judge. The parties in El Dorado offered $100 for their capture, and our officers being on the lookout, firmly, yet gently, took them in when they arrived here last Saturday morning. Saturday John Lewis took them up to Wichita and turned them over to Judge Hill, and obtained the reward.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Dispatches from Wyoming say that cattle in that country are not suffering to any great extent. All depends, however, on the absence of blizzards.
Coburn & Ewing, of Kansas City, purchased the Munsen ranch in Northwest Texas, consisting of one hundred thousand acres and twenty-five thousand cattle. The price paid was $800,000.
Wyoming has 1,400,000 head of cattle and shipped this year 170,000.
It is claimed that there is more nutriment in alfalfa than there is in either timothy or clover. An experiment in England showed that one acre of alfalfa was worth more for nutriment than an acre of clover, by 2,076 pounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Boomers Will Have to Go Once More.
The following dispatches will show our friends who contemplate going into the Oklahoma country that it safest to keep out just at this time.
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 30, 1884. In pursuance of instructions from the war department, Brigadier General Auger of the department of the Missouri will proceed to Camp Russell on the Cimarron River, Indian Territory, with six troops of cavalry and one company of infantry and remove unauthorized persons from Oklahoma and other points in the Indian Territory. Col. [NOTE: ARTICLE WRONG! IT SHOULD STATE AGen. Hatch@] Hatch is now at Ft. Leavenworth making preparations for the expedition.
Special from Caldwell dated January 2, 1885, says Hatch will start Monday or Tuesday for Oklahoma with sixteen troops of infantry and cavalry provided with 50 day=s rations. There is no hope of entering now, but await the action of congress.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Capt. Maidt starts two more teams loaded with corn for Oklahoma. Cap. says it is feed for the horses, not grub, that the men want. If we are not misinformed, his corn will arrive too late to find any boomers.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
J. D. Bradley and wife, of Texas, and Mrs. P. M. Bradley, whose husband recently bought the V. Hawkins= farm east of the Walnut, called on us Saturday night, to see the inner workings of the office. We would be glad to welcome more of our friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
JANUARY 7, 1885. The firm heretofore existing under the firm name of Gould & Snyder, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be transacted by S. P. Gould, and all accounts of the firm will be settled by him.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
AD. ATTENTNION CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS! Having the only Power Wood Lathe, Scroll and Rip Saw In the City, we are now prepared to do Ripping, Rabbeting, Scroll Sawing and Turning, make Door and Window Frames, Brackets, Ballusters, Odd Sash, and Doors, Counters, Table Counters, etc. Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited.
One Door South of Machine Shops.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 14, 1885.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, January 5, 1885.
To the Editor of the Topeka Commonwealth:
Your correspondent has been roaming about in Southern Kansas and the Indian Territory during the holidays, and in order to pass away the hanging hours, took notes of what was seen and heard, and now we propose to unbosom ourselves, as it were, and impart a vast amount of information to your Amany readers.@ (This phrase is entirely new and copyrighted for the occasion.)
Arkansas City (we don=t like the name) is the most prosperous little city in Southern Kansas, being the source of supplies for Oklahoma and the Indian Territory.
The city is really taking upon itself metropolitan airs and wears them quite gracefully. Upon every hand can be seen evidences of prosperity, which has come to stay. Three years ago we Asaw the old year out and the new year in@ at this point. What a change since that time! Saloons flourished upon every hand, and the town was filled by a drunken mob, who made night hideous with bacchanalian songs; but now peace and quiet reign and the new year was welcomed in with the ringing of joyous bells, and Atolling the knell of the departing year.@
Not a saloon in this city of three thousand, and no drunkenness. Beautiful churches, that are well attended; substantial business houses and good stores; hotels as good as there is in the state. We cannot speak too highly of the management of the Windsor, the largest and finest in the city. It is complete in all its appointments, and Mr. McIntyre, the proprietor, is reaping the harvest he deserves.
Many large business houses have been erected during the year--notably the Cowley County Bank building, the Commercial block, the Central school building, and a number of fine churches.
There are dry goods stores here that equal Stevenson & Peckham=s, and every other business seems to be as well represented.
All eyes are turned upon Oklahoma, and the thought of depression and hard times finds no place in the minds of this people. Livery mail brings messages from the ABoomers,@ as they are called, the following being a fair representation of the whole.
STILLWATER, Dec. 24, 1884.
Mr. F. B., Arkansas City, Kansas.
SIR: The soldiers attacked us on December 24. They formed in line about 150 yards distant and told us to surrender within five minutes or they would fire upon us. We formed in line under cover of a hill, in the timber, and dared them to fire, and we would give them Athe best we had.@ They fooled around awhile and then went into camp near us. They had forty men and we had 200. We still hold the fort. We could come out any time, but we propose to stay and fight it out on this line. We have passed an order forbidding anyone to leave our party. We are on the best of terms with the soldiers, and are having a good time with them. The officers in camp took dinner with me after the little racket we had with them on the 24th inst. Yours, etc. R. C.
By this you can judge of the situation, and of the good feeling existing between soldier and foe. Now, if we were a soldier boy, we would continue to cultivate this same friendly relationship with the Aenemy.@ It is less hazardous. Now we see the soldier obeying the injunction ALove thine enemy,@ and the enemy fully reciprocates. It appears to us this farce of a warfare has gone on about long enough.
Ryan=s bill ought to pass this session of congress, and settle this question at once, as it will be settled eventually. The opposition comes only from the cattlemen, who are anxious to hold the land for their own benefit. Arkansas City is hoping for an early settlement of this question, as it will form the base of supplies.
A joint stock company has been organized here, with a capital stock of $20,000 paid, with which to build a woolen mill to be run by water power, the canal company charging them only five dollars per diem for power. This will no doubt be a bonanza for this city.
We returned yesterday from Kaw Agency, where we saw the noble red man in all his primitive primitiveness, and his squaw in about the same condition. If there is one thing which the Kaw Indian loves more than another, it is his leisure, and his wants in that direction are amply supplied. We might imagine that time hangs heavily upon him, but it don=t seem to crush him in any remarkable degree. The full blood has made wonderful strides in the arts of civilization in one direction, viz: He has lost his appetite for dog meat, and subsists wholly upon beef and pork furnished by Uncle Sam.
The half-breed is an intelligent fellow, orderly and well disposed. Mr. Keeler is sub-agent and has charge of the school. The tribe now contains 232 members; 180 of them are full bloods. Their annuity for the year 1884 amounted to $15 per capita, and $9 per annum per head is collected for pasture rentals. The tribe owns 100,000 acres, one-half is rented to the Kaw Cattle Company, at four cents per acre for pasture lands, and five cents for all the lands cultivated by the company.
The government has built eleven miles of fence enclosing a large pasture in which stock is run at twenty cents per month.
There are 260 children in the school, who were much surprised Christmas morning upon finding the breakfast table loaded with presents, consisting of candy and other good things. The Indian children are bright and learn rapidly, but it is said that when they have completed their education, they return to their old haunts and modes of life. Education does not seem to change the character. A young Pawnee, who recently returned form Carlisle Indian school, adopted the costume of his fathers, upon his return, and feasted upon dead carcasses and all manner of filth, and enjoyed it as much as though he had never received Abook larnin=@ at government expense. What hope is there for them?
We long to be a post trader. AIt is a consummation devoutly to wish,@ (or words to that effect.) How the money comes into those fellows! The gentleman who occupied that position to the Kaw tribe during a term of two or three years is now at the head of a cattle company. Do you see?
The cattle upon these ranges are poor in quality and thin in flesh, and already a great number of them have turned up their toes. The Kaws have a splendid country, plenty of timber, and good soil. The tribe cultivate about two acres per family. Corn is worth there seventy-five cents per bushel, a small crop being raised.
This letter has reached Agigantic proportions,@ and we must close.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Cowley County Chips.
Fourteen years old.
Area, 739,840 acres.
Number of hogs: 70,000.
Number of sheep: 96,000.
Number of cattle: 82,000.
Number of canines: 3,241.
Population, about 30,000.
Acres of oats for >84: 9,587.
Bearing fruit trees, 468,870.
Corn acreage for 1884: 112,772.
Acres in cultivation, 377,824.
The richest soil in the world.
Value of all property, $23,667,794.
Acres of growing wheat, 57,000.
Total taxable property, $441,678.93.
Wool clip for 1884, 206,233 pounds.
Numer of organized schools, 143.
Number of horses and mules, 12,000.
Thirteen well patronized newspapers.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 14, 1885.
He is a Lawyer Diplomat From Illinois; His Reinforcements.
WICHITA, Kansas, January 7, 1885. The Eagle says: H. F. Sloan, of Sandusky, Ohio, arrived here direct from Arkansas City yesterday. He reports the greatest activity among the boomers. He says an active, energetic lawyer, E. D. Munn, late city attorney of Braidwood, Illinois, a John A. Logan [?] style of a man, is now the leading spirit among them. He is reported to be a diplomatist and depends more on diplomacy than fight. He is level headed. It is also said that he has an organized company of two hundred [???]. One hundred of them are expected to arrive here today.
On Monday, Mr. Munn indited telegrams to President Arthur, Senators Plumb, Ingalls, Logan, and Vest. The message to the President was a lengthy affair and cost fourteen dollars. It requested him to restrain the troops and appoint a committee to investigate the whole affair, and that twenty boomers, all honorably discharged ex-soldiers, would go to Washington and testiy as to the ravages of the stock men among the timber, and many other matters of interest connected with the Territory.
We received a special dispatch last night that the news about General Hatch receiving orders from Washington not to move against the boomers was an error, and that the troops are already on the move. The question now is will the boomers fight. Mr. Sloan thinks they will. He says the boomers have been actively engaged in forwarding men and arms to Stillwater for several days, paying their way and furnishing arms and ammunition. In view of these facts, trouble is anticipated and news of a hostile encounter may be looked for before many days.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 14, 1885.
It appears that the individual above mentioned is the sole and only cause of the appointing of the present senate investigating committee to investigate the leasing of the Indian lands in the Territory below us.
There has been no evidence, whatever, adduced to prove anything fraudulent or illegal in the manner of obtaining such leases. We do not claim, nor are we fully convinced, of the advisability of leasing such large bodies of land at such low prices to single individuals; but, at the same time, we do condemn anyone, whoever he may be, who will cause the expense to the government and to private citizens that the individual above named has caused.
We know this Ivey--know all we wish to know about him. Arkansas City had about six months= knowledge of him, enough to last her through the next two or three decades. It would perhaps be pertinent to mention him gently in this connection; Gus Ivey is a printer. He came here in the fall of 1879 from the Cherokee Nation, where he left an Indian wife, and stayed here until along in the spring of 1880. While here he was a drunken, dissolute, good-for-nothing dog, working until he had a few dollars and then laying off until he could drink it up; in the interim he made what he could out of gambling. The police judge of that time made his acquaintance several times. A dirty, drunken bummer, he spent his time around the saloons, drinking and playing billiards. A dead-beat of the worse character, no one would associate with him. Our people remember him as a beat, a bummer, a loafing, lying, lazy cur. He is the brute who enticed Ben Gardner into giving him all his money, by representing that they could travel together, and by working now and then on daily papers, on any of which he could get a case, and thus go West very cheap. He spent Ben=s money and deserted him up near Topeka or Lawrence, leaving him without a cent. Oh, yes, we know Gus Ivey.
The next time Senator Vest wants to make himself conspicuous, he should choose a different co-partner than a drunken, free-lunch, good-for-nothing vagabond like Gus Ivey.
Vest now wonders why Ivey didn=t appear and testify against the cattlemen! If the senator should see this eulogy of the illustrious gentleman, he would wonder no more, for he would know that Ivey did not dare show his face where decent men have their boots blacked. Selah! We have done.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 14, 1885.
Gen. Hatch left Caldwell Sunday morning with a troop of the Ninth Cavalry for Stillwater, Indian Territory, to remove Couch=s company of boomers. He will be joined at that point by four companies from Reno and Sill and one from Camp Russell. There is no possible doubt that the boomers will be removed, and that at once. Whether they decide to fight or not remains to be seen. A large wagon train of supplies accompanied the expedition. About Thursday the General will march to Stillwater with his command.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 14, 1885.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office over Cowley County Bank.
A. V. ALEXANDER & CO. have ordered, and are now receiving a new and complete stock of Lumber, Lath, and Shingles, Which is as good and well asorted a stock as has ever been offered to the trade of Arkansas City, and at reasonably low figures. Call and Examine.
POSTOFFICE ADDRESS: Sac & Fox Agency, Indian Territory.
Range on Kiowa Reservation.
Horse Brand, IOA on hip. Ear marks, Various.
In addition the above, several odd brands.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 14, 1885.
BIG AD. FIFTH AVE. LAUNDRY! (Opposite Cowley Co. Bank.)
All Hand Work. High Gloss Finish. No Chloride of Line or Acid Used. WE WILL NOT ROT OR TEAR YOUR CLOTHES. The Finest Work and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
J. B. Nipp was down last Thursday.
J. F. McMullen was down from the hub last Friday.
W. A. Lee, of Winfield, was on the street Friday.
C. H. Searing returned from Kansas City last Thursday.
D. Brunswick was over from Wellington Thursday last.
Dr. Westfall is now located over the Cowley County Bank.
A. A. Richards, of Wellington, was in the city last Thursday.
Tom Hill has just completed a neat cottage on North Sixth street.
C. R. Mitchell passed through the city, Monday, on his way to Topeka.
Ira Barnett shipped three carloads of fine hogs during the past week.
Another team left yesterday for Oklahoma. Two men were the occupants.
Ed. A. Baugh [? Badge ?] of Oakland, Nebraska, is here visiting relatives. He will remain a week or so.
The AMystic 5" is the name of a new organization just started among some of our young gentlemen.
S. V. Devendorf, representing the Atlanta Spy, called on us Monday, accompanied by S. C. Lindsay.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
DIED. Died January 11, 1885, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wooldridge, of croup. Age, four years.
Eli. Youngheim drove down from Winfield Monday to assist Joe in invoicing their stock of clothing.
Frank J. Hess= new residence is being pushed to be ready for occupancy by him and his bride, when they arrive February 12.
Kellogg & Coombs and E. L. McDowell have just hung up their new window curtains with an attractive sign in each.
Ward & Weaver, Attorneys-at-law, is the card that adorned the Leland Hotel windows Sunday.
W. H. Curtis, son-in-law of Mrs. Wm. Benedict, has purchased property and will move here in the spring.
We are glad to see E. D. Eddy around again, as lively as ever. It is hard to keep E. D. Down for any length of time.
Rev. B. C. Swarts came down from Haysville Thursday to visit his sons and look after a little business and returned Friday.
J. L. Huey gave a handsome supper to the chapter members of
A. F. & A. M. last Friday night. An enjoyable time is reported.
Arkanss City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Swarts= addition is now having every prespect of becoming well peopled in the spring, as the lots are being rapidly disposed of.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Neff & Henderson bought 313 head of hogs last week. They shipped three carloads and sold 100 head to Landes, Beall & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Two teams with seven men aboard, bound for Oklahoma, stopped in the city Monday, long enough to buy a complete outfit and supplies.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The hog trade is looking up. Our hog buyers have been kept busy weighing in and loading up the swine. Then carloads have been shipped lately.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The union services closed with the week of prayer. The Methodists are now holding a protracted meeting at their church. A good attendance is had.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Seven head of cattle taken up by Mr. Mercer, of Bolton Township, a few days since, advertised in this issue. Parties owning stock are advised to read the same.
Ad. Stray Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned, living three miles south and three miles west of Arkanss City, in Bolton Township, Cowley County, Kansas, three head of native cattle, supposed to be 3-year-olds.
DESCRIPTION. One roan line backed steer, branded M on right side; one pale red heifer, slit ears, no brands; one dark roan steer, slit ears and half crop, no brands.
Owner can take same by proving property and paying charges.
January 5th, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
A. P. Hutchison returned to Darlington, Indian Territory, last Friday. He will remain in charge of the Arapahoe schools until July when his term expires. After that circumstances will govern his action.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The Favorite Social Club will give a select ball at Highland Hall tomorrow night. Committee: C. C. Sollitt, P. L. Snyder, F. K. Grosscup, L. V. Coombs, E. L. Kingsbury, G. W. Cunningham.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The Episcopal people have two of the prettiest sites in the city on which, in the near future, they propose building a church and a parsonage. W. E. Gooch owns them, and says when his church gets ready to build, the building will be there. If they never get ready, the sites will always be vacant.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
We all remember when the block on which the Central School is now, used to be considered out of town. When a man lived further out than that, the delivery men objected to delivering goods free. Now this is the center of town. For half a mile beyond this residences are closely built up.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
People often inquire why it is that the block so beautifully situated on the west side of South Summit street is not built up. There is not a single building there. The reason is that the block is held by our esteemed fellow citizen, A. A. Newman, on which to erect a family residence to cost $25,000. It will be, when built, the finest residence in the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The Fifth Avenue Laundry under the management of Messrs. Calef & Holden, this week solicit the patronage of our people through the medium of the TRAVELER columns. Mr. Calef has had practical experience for the past ten years in some of the best laundries of this and other countries, and all work entrusted to them will be promptly and satisfactorily executed. This laundry has now removed to its new quarters on Fifth Avenue opposite the Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Frank Anderson, representing the Graham Paper Co., was on our streets yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Spy of Atlanta will be given in our city three nights of next week, under the auspices of the G. A. R. Post of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Ware & Pickering are doing a land office business in the grocery business. They loaded 12 teams with freight for the Territory Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Geo. E. Hasie is now in Mississippi improving and leasing the cotton fields of the Hasie Brothers. He will be kept there for two or three months.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Charles Chapel=s smiling countenance now illuminates the wicket at the post office. He is now assistant postmaster vice Will Thompson, resigned.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
There will be a business meeting of the Episcopal society at the residence of Mrs. W. E. Gooch, on Friday evening, January 16. All interested are invited to attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
J. P. Grimes & Son is the style of the new drug firm. They opened up Monday morning, having purchased the stock of E. F. Shindel. Charlie is all smiles and intices all who enter to squander their hoarded wealth.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Maj. M. S. Hasie started Tuesday for St. Louis and Chicago to be gone several days. He intends purchasing material to finish completing the commercial and Hasie buildings.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Our streets have been in about as bad a condition as it is possible for them to be. It took but two days sunshine, however, to make them in good traveling condition. Our mud is of short duration and few a year.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
We rise up in meeting and Amake a move@ that T. H. McLaughlin and A. V. Alexander be made councilmen from the second ward. We live there and know they can represent us as well or better than anyone else.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
J. B. Nipp, our county treasurer, started last Saturday for Topeka, whither he went to settle with the state treasurer. The amount of our county=s contribution to the State funds will be in the neighborhood of $15,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The time for paying half your personal tax is past. Up to December 20 half might be paid and the other half run without penalty until June 20. Now all must be paid in a day or so, with the addition of a penalty, or warrants will be issued for the delinquents.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The Model Lunch Room was opened last week, with Geo. Haysel as proprietor. It occupies John Gibson=s old stand. With George as proprietor and Charles McWilliams as manager, we all know what we can expect as their success in the past proves.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Major Gorden, of the woolen mill, has gone East to purchase the machinery for the new woolen mill--which will cost in the neighborhood of $10,000. The site has not been selected yet, but will be as soon as the weather permits--and work will commence at once.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
E. Girrard, general repairer and inspector, and H. G. Chipchase, manager, Wellington exchange, United Telephone Company, came in Friday to make some needed repairs on this exchange. Chip reports some hard experience during the late cold snap. No wonder.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The awnings in front of the building occupied by Wyckoff & Son and C. Atwood are being torn down, preparatory to being replaced with new ones, which will be considerably higher. This is a much needed improvement as the old ones were so low as to obstruct the light.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
W. B. Hagins, Superintendent of the AAt-Leisure Gentlemen=s Brigade,@ called a meeting last week of the said brigade, and voted to admit the senior member of the late firm of McDowell Bros. into full membership upon compliance with the usual rites and ceremonies.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
J. B. Danks, the gentleman who was here some time ago, looking up a location for a machine shop, after taking an extended trip west, returned to this city last Wednesday, satisfied that Arkansas City was the best point he could find. He is here now to locate if the proper inducements are offered.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Messrs. Wood, of Winfield, Ayres, Mead, Landes, Beall, and Sleeth met at the Leland Hotel Wednesday last, to perfect drawings and specifications for the Arkansas River boat, soon to be built in St. Louis. The size of this boat will be 16 feet wide and 75 feet long, being forty horsepower. The boat will be completed in about sixty days.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Ye local had an experience last Thursday. In the morning after beginning work, the sky apparently became dark. Distant peals of thunder were heard, low and threatening. Dull flashes of light scarcely illuminated the horizon. Noisome vapors made their way skyward, while clouds of inky hue spread themselves slowly as though feeling their way, athwart the sky. A bright flash of lightning revealed the earth draped with a sooty damp shroud of mist, veiled with a dark, black cloud, and all the trees and shrubbery weeping for sorrow at the desolution of the earth. A deep peal of thunder. A sighing of winds. A brilliant flash of lightning, serving only to bring in strong relief--the blackness of darkness. The wind springs up and stirs the dead leaves from their hold. The deep growling of the thunder god betokens his displeasure of the gloom. The quick darting lightning replies, to be met by the hoarse, yet sharp, imperative voice of the founder, and the moaning dirge of the wind. The lightnings flash; the thunders roar; the wind whistles; the battle rages in all its intensity. All is confusion and destruction. Trees fall with a crash, the earth upheaves, the heavens fall. One last brilliant flash, one spiteful crash, one whirl-l-l-ing dash, and the clouds break away, the mist rises, the winds fall, and the sum comes out.
Stripping from the earth its dampness, it sends its refulgent rays to the deepest recesses. Shines out strong and clear. The earth looks happy, warmed to the heart. Streams down the light, pours down the heat. Defenseless, the beasts hunt shelter, loll out their tongues, pant in their distress. The grass withers, the streams dry up. Parched, the earth cracks open. The verdure, blackened by the heat, the trees blackened, the earth blackened. Desolation. The intense glare, the awful heat, destroys life, animal or vegetable. Smoke, not steam, but dread master, fire. Fire here, the glare of flames there consuming, lapping in their awful embrace all things. One sea of fire, brilliant, dancing, terrifying.
This is what we thought it was--the doctor said it was ague. It may be so.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
C. H. Searing is spoken of as councilman from the third ward.
Fannie Skinner went to Winfield Friday last to spend a few days among friends.
Rev. J. O. Campbell goes to Wichita Sunday to occupy the pulpit of Rev. Hewitt.
Mrs. E. N. Wilson, who has been absent in Missouri since Christmas, returned to the city Saturday last, accompanied by her niece, Miss Annie Dodson.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The Dodge City Times tells of a settler who resides some forty miles of there who was pursued by wolves one day week before last and narrowly escaped with his life.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Frank Schiffbauer drew the capital prize, the $20 music box, at the drawing held by Sam Gould, last week. Several more presents were drawn by different parties, while all drew something.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Mr. Andrews, one of the firm of Andrews & Swain, was in the city yesterday from Wellington, looking after the interests of their establishment here. He reported everything lovely and looks forward to a big trade in the spring.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The property owners on South Fourth street are agitating the question of a sidewalk to connect with the sidewalk at Ira Barnett=s corner. The recent mud has emphasized the necessity of this and we hope it will be successful.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Hon. S. T. Lambert, of Iowa, arrived in our city last Thursday, where he will probably spend several weeks visiting his daughters, Mrs. Prescott and Mrs. Beall. The gentleman is very favorably impressed with the genial climate we enjoy here as compared with the rigorous winter of his northern home.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
L. H. Braden has sold a half interest in the Mammoth Livery Stable to Mr. Ingle, lately from Iowa. We congratulte Mr. Braden upon securing this gentleman for a partner, and have no doubt their already large business will be increased by the change.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
D. R. Beatty, successor to McDowell Bros., in the City Meat Market, calls the attention of the many patrons of the TRAVELER to his business by inserting his ad. In another column. We find Mr. Beatty to be a prime good fellow, civil, courteous, and accommodating to deal with.
AD. D. R. BEATTY, (Successor to McDowell Bros.) CITY MEAT MARKET.
[Could not read the next two paragaphs...too small.]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
We call attention to the cattle brands of Messrs. Townsend & Pickett which we this week add to the TRAVELER herd. These gentlemen own the 10A and lightning rod, as well as other brands of cattle, and their range is on the Iowa Reservation in the Territory about 90 miles south of this City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
We have called attention to the fearful condition of the crossings several times; this is a good time to mention it again, after the spectacle of last week. They got so bad that cinders were hauled, and this did very well for a short time. What we need and must have is something permanent. If the present council will not do anything, our next will.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Sweeny & Smith have made quite an improvement in their room in the way of lamps. The lamp is a continuous tube on each side with several burners inserted at intervals. Each of these burners is said to have double the power of an ordinary lamp. Having thirteen burners, their room is now the best lighted one in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
C. R. Sipes is always up to the times. This time he has placed in his store, and connecting with the work shop in the rear, a speaking tube. We stopped in and called the bashful foreman, Will Griffith, the other morning and listened to his feeble voice for a few minutes. This is quite an improvement, and saves a good many steps in the course of a month.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Efforts are being made to get up a Post of the G. A. R. at this place. Cambridge News.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
I. L. Hernon gave up the Cambridge House last Saturday, and its doors are now closed. The owner of the house, W. L. Koons, thinks of taking charge of it, but it is not yet known who will run it. Here is an excellent opening for a good hotel man. Cambridge News.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Dr. C. D. Brown, one of the leading physicians and druggists of Cadiz, Ohio, arrived in our city, last Saturday, for a ten days sojourn in this section of the Arowdy west.@ He is an old friend of Capt. Scott, who has him in hand and will show up the beauties of sunny Kansas and the glorious times enjoyed by the western stockmen, not forgetting to take him out and practically break him in to ranch life. We hope the Dr. will have a good time and carry naught but pleasant recollections back to his Ohio home.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Wellington has closed her saloons. Good! It will take several advance steps yet, though, to come up to Arkansas City. Traveler.
That is pleasant, and the Traveler has our thanks for the information. Some way we get it into our head that Wellington has 7,000 people, 1,400 voters, 35 single plate glass fronts, and a few other matters of importance, but the Traveler got us out of the muss. Thanks. Standard.
We are always glad to chronicle the growth of a neighbor, and it was with pride we mentioned the moral growth of the city. ASuccess is not, however, always with the numerically strong.@ Remember Cortez conquered Mexico.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The last two meetings which were held at the residences of Miss Etta Barnett and Phil Snyder, have been very encouraging as well as entertaining. Several select readings, essays, and declamations by the different members, were rendered, and the names of F. K. Grosscup, Miss Emma Grosscup, L. N. Coburn, J. W. Griffith, Miss Ebie Steel, Misses Martin, Miss Maggie Hoffman, Misses Christian, Frank Hutchison, and Fred Hawk were proposed for membership, and voted in. A committee has been appointed to see to the renting of a room, which will be furnished and used as a club room.
The next meeting will be held at the residence of the Misses Christian. A full attendance of members is desired.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Trouble at Harper.
HARPER, KANSAS, January 8. At about 1 o=clock this morning the office of the Adams Express Company was entered by burglars, the safe drilled into and blown open, and the contents rifled. Fortunately, there was no money in it; and but one package of jewelry valued at $25.90. Fred Lloyd, the agent here, had been warned a day or two since not to leave any money in the safe, hence no loss. The belief is that they were experts from Wichita. Had they come two nights earlier they would have captured a lot of specie belonging to the Medicine Lodge National Bank.
Considerable excitement has been caused by the posting of bills by the vigilantes, notifying certain gamblers and saloon men to quit the country within twenty-four hours. Should these threats be backed up, exciting times may be expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
A Marvel of Growth, Energy, Enterprise, and Stick-to-itive-ness.
In the year 1870 a band of men formed the idea of starting a town where Arkansas City now is. To think was to act! Surveying was com-menced in March and the plat recorded in April, a town company was organized and everything on a boom, all in the period of three months. Why this site was chosen, being as it was 125 miles from one place in one direction and 500 in the other, might seem a mystery to many who have never been here. To the founders of this city, it was not, however. The selection of the site was made on the exercise of their best judgment, assisted by solid horse sense. A comparison of this whole country, any part of which they could have chosen, satisfied them the site they selected was the best for health, for beauty of location, for safety, and for growth. Experience has justified their decision.
Capt. Norton, one of the town company, built the first house and established the first store on the block now occupied by the elegant residences of Messrs. Child=s, Kroenert, and Hasie. He had everything a man or woman could desire, from a dress button to a side of hog; the city was laid out to be built as it was built. Summit street was intended to be the business street, as it is.
The first building put up on Summit street was erected for C. R. Sipes. It was 16 x 20, and on the site he now occupies. He put in a stock of hardware, stoves, tinware, iron, and agricultural implements. The store boasted of a proprietor, a salesman, a tinner, and man of all work. Charles was all of them. He put in a stock worth about $1,500, hauled from Emporia, 125 miles, and paid $1.50 per hundred pounds, or about 20 percent, for getting them here. He next traded a pony for enough lumber to make an addition of 20 feet more, making his store room 16 x 40 ft., a truly mammoth structure. This was in the fall of 1870. He now began to manufacture his own tinware instead of buying it. In the spring he put on another addition of 16 feet, and the citizens Apointed with pride@ to its metropolitan proportions. Charles sold the first year he was in business about $3,000 worth of goods.
The second store that was started was in the old log shanty just north of Bonsall=s photograph gallery, and which was torn down last summer. Lafe Goodrich, now farming in Ninnesch [? Ninnescah ?], was the proprietor of this, an extensive grocery store. At the end of 1870 there were about 250 people here. At the end of 1871, about 300, near which number it stayed for several years. The first doctor who located permanently was Dr. Hughes, and the first minister was Rev. B. C. Swarts.
For two years our people were compelled to haul their supplies of whatsoever kind from Emporia, 125 miles distant. Then for a little over a year from Florence, 85 miles away. And after that, until the railroad reached us, from Wichita, thus contributing her share toward the growth of each of these places.
What magical change has taken place? What Aladdmic transformation is this? We discover in place of the little village, a city of nearly four thousand. In place of the Amammoth@ frame building 16 x 56, some fair building 125 x 32, three stories and basement. Instead of $1,500 stock, $15,000 stocks. For two business houses, 200. Large schoolhouses, fine residences, good walks, commodious business houses, large flour mills, Opera House, four hotels, and the most energetic lively and accomplished citizens on God=s universe.
Arkansas City as she was and the Canal City as she is! Transmogrification indeed!
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Our officers ran in two young men last week, who had been selling jewelry here rather freely, and at ruinously low prices. The men=s actions looked rather suspicious and when the marshal saw them selling ladies= gold watches for a mere song, they ran the young bloods in. They, however, had succeeded in disposing of four gold watches to different parties and an unknown amount of other jewelry. The officers could not prove that the jewelry was stolen, and so preferred the charge of carrying concealed weapons. They were convicted of this charge; and not being able to pay the fine, were sent to the county jail for thirty days. W. J. Gray escorted them to that elegant abode last Saturday afternoon.
The boys--for boys they were, being hardly past age--had been very close-mouthed, keeping all they knew to themselves. On the way to Winfield they talked a little, enough to give the officers a clue to work on. They intimated that the swag had been captured near Carthage, Missouri, and said that this was their first bad break, and if they got out of this, they would never do anything out of the way again. The marshal also learned that they hailed originally from Iowa, and had left on account of some Ayouthful indiscretions.@
The officers found in their satchel a quantity of jewelry, having two different cost and selling prices marked on them--indicating that they had been stolen from two stocks. We were unable to learn the marks. They had only one watch left, a silver hunting case. They said they started with twelve or fifteen. The amount found with them was about $100. As near as could be ascertained, one of the parties= name was Stone.
The cause of the downfall of these boys, who appeared like nice, gentlemanly fellows, was evident upon their being searched. They had a number of obscene pictures, obscene stories, letters, etc., and this, no doubt, was the beginning of their downfall. This will certainly prove a warning to them. They are not out of the woods yet, however, as likely before their sentence of thirty days expires, the officers will find out from where the goods were stolen, and they will have to face that charge.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The Canal City.
A traveling man remarked in our hearing last week that Caldwell, Wellington, Winfield, Kingman, and Arkansas City were the only live towns he had been in during the past six weeks, in which time he had visited nearly every section of Kansas and Western Missouri. He furthermore stated that Arkansas City suited him the best of all and declared it as his intention to locate in the Canal City within the next sixty days with his family. He will read the TRAVELER in the East regularly from this on until such time as it can be delivered to him by our carrier.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
New Firm.
Our new furniture men, W. P. Wolf & Co., come to the front this week with an advertisement, informing our people that they have a large stock of parlor, office, and household furniture, which they are prepared to sell at popular prices. Their establishment is located on the corner of Summit Street and Central Avenue, where our people are invited to call and inspect their stock of furniture.
AD. FURNITURE! W. P. WOLFE & CO. HAVE A FULL STOCK OF PARLOR, OFFICE, AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE! At their old stand, Cor. Summit St. and Central Ave. The attention of the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity are respected [BELIEVE THIS WORD SHOULD BE AREQUESTED@] to call and examine our stock of FURNITURE.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The Bucksin Border Band.
About four months ago the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band went out of existence, and from its ashes sprang our present Buckskin Border Band. This band, of which this city is very proud, as well she may, is composed of twelve pieces. They have been practicing more or less for a year, and the music they produce is of a superior quality. The nights for meeting are Mondays and Fridays. The band consists of the following.
Will Griffith, a flat cornet.
Joe Hoyt, solo b flat cornet.
Mike Kitchen, b flat cornet.
Herman Godehard, clarionet.
Frank Speers, b flat trombone.
Henry Anderson, 1st a flat alto.
J. J. Breene, 2nd a flat alto.
Ira Willitt, 1st tenor.
Chas. Grimes, 2nd tenor.
E. O. Stevenson, a flat basso.
O. S. Finke, snare drum.
H. L. McConn, bass drum and cymbals.
We must say that this band has made excellent progress in a year. Their appearance is hailed with delight by both large and small, and when they are playing you can see the citizens punching any stranger in reach in the ribs and saying, APlay pretty well, don=t they? Make good music.@
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The cases disposed of before Police Judge Kreamer last week are as follows.
Richard Roe and John Doe, carrying concealed weapons, each $10 and costs. Not having the wherewithal, they were committed to the county jail for thirty days.
Albert Johnson, drunk and using vulgar language, $5 and costs.
Dr. Young, drink and using vulgar language, $5 and costs.
______ Lawrence and Richard Roe, real name unknown, larceny, $1 and costs each.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
G. A. R. Post, No. 158.
The officers of the Post in this city were installed last Saturday night by Mr. N. Sinnott, special muster officer.
Allen Mowry, P. G.
T. A. Lowry, S. V. C.
P. J. Davis, J. V. C.
A. A. Davis, Q. M.
H. D. Kellogg, O. D.
C. G. Thompson, Surg.
H. S. Lundy, Chap.
S. C. Lindsay, Adj.
John Cook, O. G.
P. H. Franey, O. S.
Wm. Kirtley, I. S.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Oklahoma Town Co.
The members of the Oklahoma Town Co. met last Thursday night and elected officers as follows.
James Hill, President.
E. Neff, Vice-President.
J. Benedict, Treasurer.
W. D. Kreamer, Secretary.
The Town Company numbers twenty members, who have recently received a charter, as was mentioned last week. The stock of the Company is limited to $500,000, divided in shares of $25.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
An attempt was made one night last week to break into J. H. Noble=s drug store.
Last week while Mr. J. Diemer was returning from Arkansas City, one of his best horses dropped dead.
Mr. F. A. Brady commenced his series of union meetings at Smith=s hall Tuesday evening with a good attendance, although the weather was very bad. Mr. Brady is an excellent speaker and an earnest Christian worker, and everybody should come out and hear him and get the benefit of his labors here among us.
While coming to his store early Wednesday morning, P. W. Smith discovered that Alec Wyatt=s house was on fire. As luck would have it, Mrs. Wyatt was washing, and the wash-water was used to extinguish the flames; otherwise, the house would likely have been destroyed.
During the month of December, $50 was paid to the express company here as charges for produce and goods sent away by our merchants.
Before adjourning court, Judge Torrance ordered a grand jury for the April term of court. This will probably have the effect of shaking up several Adry bones@ in this part of the country.
Ben W. Watlack and Frank F. Leland got in Friday from several weeks= rambling in the East, having had a glorious vacation.
If Judge Torrance keeps the thing up, he will probably do more than anyone else to get this judicial district divided. Wellington will literally howl for it. The judge makes everyone walk the chalk line over there who has business with his court. Last week a number of witnesses were dismissed from the courtroom, but told to remain within hearing. The latter injunction they failed to obey, and as a consequence were fined $5 apiece and costs.
Saturday last Baden shipped to Boston a carload of Cowley County products, consisting of game, butter, and eggs. The top of the refrigerator car was filled with ice, just the same as though it was summer weather. This was to keep the produce--not from decaying but from freezing. This may seem strange, but it is a fact that no matter how cold it may get outside, the ice in the car will keep the temperature above the freezing point.
On last Saturday Mr. J. R. Prine=s 2-year-old boy got a cup of concentrated lye and tried to drink it. He got a terrible burn, but Dr. Manser says he is out of danger now.
L. Shermerhorn=s litttle boy had a narrow escape from a like cause ten days ago. He put his hand in an open box of lye and put his hand in his mouth. It gave him quite a burn. Sweet oil was applied immediately, gave relief, and saved him from having a very sore mouth. Mothers cannot be too careful how they set lye in reach of children.
The young people of this place have organized a theatrical troupe, and expect to give a play in the near future.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Below we give from the Emporia Republican a careful statement of the present condition of the Oklahoma lands. We advise a careful reading of it and feel sure that such a course will not fail of thoroughly explaining the status of these lands.
The particular locality known as Oklahoma lies in the region of the fork of the Canadian River, in the Indian Territory, and amounts to some twelve or fourteen million acres. The north line of the lands lies some seventy-five miles south of the South line of Kansas. These lands were originally part of those set apart to certain Indian tribes when the present boundaries of the Indian Territory were fixed. In 1866 treaties were made between the government of the United States and the Cherokee, Seminole, Choctaw, and Creek Indians, by the terms of which certain lands west of the Creeks and Seminoles and south of the Cherokees were ceded to the United States by the tribes named. There was no condition attached to the cession. It was absolute and the title passed unconditionally. The lands were afterwards surveyed, and have been ever since borne on the rolls of the general land office as Apublic lands.@ These are the Oklahoma lands.A
In the treaties there is language showing an intent on the part of the government to use the lands for settling freedmen and friendly Indians upon; and in pursuance of that intention, some of the lands are now occupied by Indians. But while such an intention is expressed in the treaty, it is not a condition, and it is not a law. The lands are unquestionably public lands.A
There is something else, however, connected with the history of these lands which is more important to persons proposing to settle on them without special permission.A
Our Government began its dealing with Indians as if they were citizens of foreign nations. It made treaties with tribes through the chiefs and head men. That had been the custom of the colonists before our Government was founded. During the administration of President Jackson, a number of important Indian treaties were made. In pursuance of them a law was passed in 1834 regulating >intercourse= with Indians. All territory belonging to the United States lying west of the Missouri and the territory of Arkansas, was designated in the law as >The Indian country,= and the act prescribed methods of intercourse between citizens and Indians in the Indian country, and provided penalties for its violation. It was enacted that no citizen of the United States shall go into the Indian country for any purpose unless he had a permit from some designated officer of the government; no such persons shall travel into or across the Indian country without a passport from the government, setting forth the intent and object of the visit; in short, every citizen of the United States was by this act of 1834, positively prohibited from going into the Indian country for travel, for pleasure, for business, or for any other purpose, without authority specially granted by some officer of the government named in the law; and every contract made by a citizen with an Indian was declared to be void and of no effect. The law further provides that in case of any attempted settlement or a trespass of any kind in the Indian Territory by citizens of the United States in numbers too large to be handled by proclamation or unassisted officers, the president of the United States should use the military arm of the government to dislodge the trespassers. The soldiers are cautioned, in the law, to deal gently with the offenders, using only such force as is absolutely necessary to affect their removal. Repeated offenses shall subject offenders to harsher treatment, and a fine of a thousnd dollars was affixed to cases of determined persistence.A
Such are some of the provisions of the Indian intercourse act of 1834, and attention is called to them now because they were never repealed, and hence are the law today. All the vast territory designated by that law of 1834 accept as far as was necessary to set apart and organize new territories out of the old. Indian Territory is still under the law of 1834. It is in that law that authority is given to remove intruders by force; and it is by that law that persons going into the Indian country without special permission are intruders and trespassers. Indian Territory is all that is left of the >Indian country= of 1834.A
From this brief statement, it will seen that in removing Oklahoma colonists, the president is executing a positive requirement of the law enacted fifty years ago. If the Indians did not complain, no notice probably would be taken of the proposed settlement; but in going to those lands from Kansas, it is necessary to cross territory belonging to the Cherokee Nation, and Indians object to it. Some of the most intelligent men among the Cherokees are in favor of throwing the whole Territory open to settlement. But nothing is done in that direction yet, and so long as the Territory remains under preent laws and treaties, whenever the Indians complain against intruders, they must be removed by the president. There is no way to avoid it except to openly violate the law.@
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Indian Trade.
Ed. Kingsbury, forwarding clerk, informs us that he paid out for goods purchased by the Indians of our merchants $2,116.46 for the last quarter of 1884. The cash rates to the Indians for the same period were nearly double that, making $8,000 spent in our midst during the last three months by the noble red man. This is only an item of our trade, but a very good one. This would show a cash trade of $30,000 a year from one source alone.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
The A. O. U. W. of this city held a social gathering at their lodge room last Friday evening which was attended by a goodly number of the members with their ladies. The programme of the evening embraced select readings, music, etc., and we are informed it was a thoroughly sociable and enjoyable event.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
ITEMS: Meeting was called to order by President Martin. In absence of the Secretary, F. A. A. Williams was appointed Secretary pro-tem.
On motion of Mr. Geo. Ordway the officers of the Society for 1884 were unanimously reelected. On motion, Messrs. Ordway, Williams, and Robertson were elected trustees of the Society for 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
A Proposed Cattle Trail.
ST. LOUIS, January 14. The bill which is to be introduced in Congress for the establishment of a cattle trail from Texas to the British possessions provides that the Secretary of the Interior shall appoint three commissioners to lay out and mark by a meter and boundary a quarantine national trail and grazing grounds, the trail not to exceed six miles in width, and to be narrowed at places to a mere roadway. The grazing ground is to be established at intervals along the trail and is not to exceed twelve miles square, both the trail and grazing grounds to be strictly quarantined and no cattle allowed to leave it so long as they have signs of Texas fever among them. When the Commissioners make their report, the Secretary of the Interior is to file a map of the trail as laid out, and he is to give public notice of the establishment and the withdrawal of public land occupied by it, front either sale, location, or settlement, for a term of ten years. There is to be an appropriation of $100,000 for the work. When this publication is made, the trail is to be open at all times of the year for the driving upon it of any livestock by any person, firm, or corporation.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
Wm. J. Wilson, of Winfield, was elected Journal Clerk of the senate without opposition.
We notice Frank S. Jennings on the following Senate committee: Ways and Means, Fees and Salaries, Corporations, Roads and Bridges, and Cities of the Second Class.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
SENATOR VEST thinks Augustus Erlbert Ivey is a blasted fool and wants him brought before the Indian lease committee in a basket if he will come in no other way! While the honorable Augustus is smiling in his sleeves to think what a fool he made of the reverend Senator with his little pen. Vest will suffer more than Ivey in this deed as he has more to lose. Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
The testimony of Gus. Ivey, who finally made his appearance at Washington, is not what Senator Vest expected. He testifies that a man, who is since deceased, told him he got some money for his vote. He does not say or produce the notices of any others who sold out. He incidently remarked that the lease of the Cherokee lands had injured him personally, because he had already completed arrangements with a man of means, to form a partnership, he, on account of his second partnership to the Cherokees, to furnish the color [??] of title to the lands and the other man the money to stock it. He did not mean to give it away in that manner, but he has let the cat out of the bag. Poor Augustus.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
The annual conference of the board of Indian commissioners was held Thursday. Resolutions were adopted endorsing the bill pending before congress to give lands to Indians in severalty known as the Coke bill; recommending that the Indian bureau be an independent bureau with a responsible head, the same as the department of agriculture, and deprecating the consolidation of bands or tribes of Indians in such manner as to bring larger numbers of Indians into association with each other and into greater isolation from the educational influence or intercourse of citizens. A resolution was also adopted providing for the appointment of a committee to consult with the president-elect in regard to the future Indian policy of the government.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
A special to the Kansas City Times, a friendly paper to the boomers, last Saturday says:
Senators Plumb, Vest, Dawes, and Ingalls, and Congressman Anderson called upon the president for the purpose of urging some modification of the order for expulsion of the Oklahoma colonists by the military forces, representing that as matters are now situated great suffering and possible bloodshed might come.A
The president said that the law was plain and left him no alternative, especially as the settlers had invaded the Territory in defiance of his proclamation, and seemed to invite conflict. While he would regret any unfortunate consequence that might ensue and sympathized with the colonists, whom he thought had been deceived as to their rights, yet he could not avoid the attendant responsibilities and thereby leave the complications as a legacy to the incoming administration. He moreover added that the only solution of this vexed question was with Congress, as he was bound to execute the laws as he found them.@The above will show our deluded Oklahoma friends that they are bucking the United States with no possible show of gaining anything by it. All the reports that President Arthur has ordered a suspension of his orders for thirty days are base fabrications and are made by interested parties for the purpose of getting these people into further trouble. They had as well believe it first as last, they will have to come out of the B. I. T. if it takes the entire force of the present standing army to bring them out.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
The Boomer Movement.
Considerable excitement reigns throughout this and Cowley County regarding the movement of the boomers. They still continue to enter the Oklahoma country from all points, and Couch=s colony is said to number five hundred already.
General Hatch and command are reported as on the march for Stillwater, Couch=s headquarters, to oust them out while Couch and his men propose to stand their ground. It is reported that Wade McDonald, attorney for the colonists, told Couch before leaving Winfield a few days ago, to pay no attention to Gen. Hatch=s movements, but to settle upon these lands, and if ordered off, give no heed to his warning. And should Hatch=s men fire about and over them to remain passive and perfectly quiet until some of his colonists had been hurt, then to open fire on them and kill every mother=s son of them that was in shooting distance.
That was some days ago. Couch has since returned to Stillwater and Hatch is still on the move for that point, and it will be some time before he can reach it. Should Hatch, after reaching that point, persist in removing them, and Couch carry out the advice of their attorney, it will prove an interesting time if not causing blood to be shed. If anything of the kind occurs, we will have a letter from there giving the full particulars. Standard.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
Woolen Mill A Sure Thing.
The directors of the Woolen Mill enterprise held a meeting in the Cowley County Bank last Saturday night. The object of the meeting was to decide on a plan of action. After considerable discussion, in which Mr. E. E. Sanborn took a prominent part, it was decided to begin the erection of the mill building about the first of March, and to let the building by contract. It was thought by the majority that the building would not be in readiness until late in the fall, too late to manufacture any goods for the winter trade. Woolens are sold to jobbers from May to July, and no jobbing could be done at all. The retail trade is principally supplied by the first of September or earlier, and the mill could scarcely get ready to supply even this. So, upon the whole, it was decided that no attempt would be made to manufacture any goods this year.
The machinery will be out in running order about Jan. 1st, 1886, and will be in all readiness for all branches of the trade next year.
The company will doubtless purchase from 50,000 to 75,000 pounds of this year=s clip, so that they will not be compelled to go upon the market for material.
The company closed the contract with the canal company and will locate the mill in the vicinity of the other mills, perhaps on the other side of the canal. This, however, is not fully determined.
The directors also closed the contract with Mr. E. E. Sanborn as the future manager of the mill.
No other business of importance was done.
This, however, is satisfactorily settled: that the mill is a sure thing. This time next year will find the mill in running order.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
W. D. Mowry visited Winfield Tuesday.
Ben Matlack was down from Winfield Monday.
W. M. Sleeth made a short business trip to the hub Thursday.
The TRAVELER printed the large posters for the G. A. R. Entertainment.
C. D. Brown, of Cadiz, Ohio, a friend of C. M. Scott, is visiting in the city.
Chas. Holloway is now employed in Dr. McMahon=s drug store on 5th avenue.
Sweeny & Smith are sending two loads of supplies to the boomers at Stillwater.
[CANNOT READ NEXT ITEM AT ALL...Looks like a Samuel Fe___ might have been putting in some building in Leonard=s addition....???]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
L. S. Paugh [? Not sure of name] has been confined to his house on account of illness for several days.
Geo. W. Cunningham went to Kansas City Thursday on business. He returned Saturday.
Our streets were full to overflowing last Saturday. Trade was lively and our merchants looked happy.
Dr. S. P. Parsons now has a telephone in his office. He is there night and day, and a call at any time will be promptly attended to.
When spring comes we should like to see Arkansas City connected by telephone with Ponca, Otoe, Pawnee, Osage, and Kaw Agencies.
Our farmers should remember and attend the Farmer=s Institute to be held in Winfield, Thursday and Friday, January 29th and 30th.
Buel T. Davis, of the Winfield Tribune, called on us last week in relation to the county printing, which he acquired for the present year.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Among the many who are making improvements in their city property, we notice an addition being built by Mr. West in the first ward.
We hear the cry of hard times, but Arkansas City has not a vacant business house in her limits, and no prospect of any in the near future.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We are sorry to learn that Drury Warren has been confined to the house on account of illness for a week. He is able to be around again however.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
John Daniels has been mentioned as councilman from the fourth ward. John is energetic and full of business and would look well to the interests of his locality.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The state encampment of the G. A. R., will be held in Fort Scott March 10, 11, and 12. This place was chosen instead of Topeka, because the roads leading to Fort Scott gave rates of one fare for round trip, while this could not be had at Topeka.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
A letter from A. P. Hutchison informs us that he had a splendid trip to Burlington, taking five days to get there on account of high water. He was compelled to stay three nights with freighters, and camping out this kind of weather is certainly something to be desired for someone else.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We happened up in the Police Judge=s room Monday and found the air blue with smoke and the remains of a gigantic snake story just told by our friend, Geo. Ford. It soon turned black when S. C. Lindsay began, and we left for fear we might contract the terrible disease of Auniversity@ now afflicting one of our E. C., who, though below, is above us. [SORRY! I DON=T GET THE POINT OF THIS ITEM!]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Spring will open with a grand rush of building. Chapel and Means will then commence their contemplated building, 50 x 125, in block 79; Newman his in block 70, 50 x 100; O. P. Houghton, an addition, stone, 25 x 75; the new woolen mill will then be commenced; and at least fifty residences. Welcome, Spring, when again everyone will have employment, be he laborer or mechanic.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
MARRIED. Married, Saturday night, at 10 o=clock p.m., at the residence of A. P. Hutchison, in this city, Miss Albertine Maxwell and Dr. G. R. Westfall, Rev. S. B. Fleming officiating.
We extend our hearty congratulations and hope their life=s voyage in one bark may be attended with all the ease and comfort to be attained. That when they near the point on the other side, it may be still in the same bark, with plenty of room.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Sam. Swarts, who has been in the TRAVELER force as devil and compositor for over three years, left for Wichita last Wednesday, where he will take a case on the Wichita Eagle. Sam is one of the steady, painstaking young men who are bound to succeed. He has made a fast typo, and by miscellaneous reading of evenings, instead of running around on the streets, hs become well posted on almost every topic. He made this change only to learn all branches of his chosen trade. We wish him abundant success.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We see that Wichita has made a move in the right direction in the way of a course of lectures to be delivered by home talent. Among the speakers already procured we notice Judge Sluss, W. E. Stanley, Dr. Phillips, and W. P. Campbell. The first lecture will be delivered this week by Dr. Phillips, entitled AWichita in 1900.@ The tickets are ten cents each. Such an undertaking should receive the encouragement of the whole community, and we only wish our people would take hold of something of the kind.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Sunny Kansas,@ not a by-word but a forgotten one.BIRTH. Born January 18, 1885, to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Stevens, a son.
James Benedict has been confined to the house several days this week by illness.
At least a dozen teams left this city for Oklahoma since our last issue, which means from 25 to 40 men.
Mr. Wm. Hull, of Wichita, spent several days of the past week in this city visiting his brother J. V. Hull.
A good cook wanted. Address box 174 or apply at restaurant, back of Opera House block.
Mr. Frank Beall has been in Mulvane and points up the road for a few days in the interest of the mill. He returned Monday night.
Mr. J. M. Mitchell, of South Bend, made us a pleasant call yesterday, and made arrangements to read the TRAVELER for the coming year.
Elder J. P. Witt will preach at the Christian Church Sunday at 11 o=clock a.m., and at 7 o=clock p.m. All are cordially invited to attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Messrs. Sweeny & Smith, the live grocers of this city, last week sold a bill of sixty-seven dollars to W. Le Sage, a resident of the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The old reliable firm of McLaughlin Bros., does not seem to be affected by the hard times, judging from the way they are kept busy waiting on customers.
J. L. Glotfelter disposed of his residence in Leonard=s addition to James Hill, and will soon commence the erection of one on his farm, a few miles from town.
A hardware firm from Osage City is negotiating a lease on one of the Commercial Building rooms. They want to bring in a large stock of exclusive hardware.
The train of the S. K. R. R. was snow bound in a drift east of Winfield last Friday night, which delayed the train for several hours, and required the united exertions of three engines to release it.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Stockmen say that this winter, so far as it has gone, has been the most severe on stock of any winter within their recollection, and many cattle in the Territory will have to be driven to the state to be fed.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Companies C and G, 9th cavalry, under command of Captains Cusack and Humphreys, arrived here on Friday, from Ft. Sill en route for Oklahoma. Other companies will join them here from Ft. Supply.
Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Mr. E. E. Sanborn, the future manager of the Woolen mill, returned to his home in St. Mary=s, Ohio, where he will remain in charge of the woolen mill at that place until next January. The TRAVELER, of course, follows him, as he wishes to keep posted in regard to this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
D. Tompkins started for an extended trip the first of the week, in which he combines both business and pleasure. He will first visit New Orleans and then go to California, where he will choose a location. He has been talking of going to California for six months.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Neff & Henderson bought ten head of hogs from Fred Wahlenmeir which averaged 250 pounds each. These were the finest hogs that have been brought into the market this year and brought 20 cents more a hundred than the market-price, yielding him the neat sum of $140.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Fitch & Barron are rapidly closing out at auction their immense stock of notions and dry goods. The Ahow much@ and Asold@ cries of the auctioneer alternate in rapid succession. Everything is going at very low prices, and those who miss the opportunity to save money will regret it.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The editor of the TRAVELER, at Arkansas City, describes his indisposition of last Thursday morning in half a column article and says the doctor called it ague. From the description he writes, we would imagine that Bro. Standley had >em and had >em bad, at that.
Wellington Standard.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
During the late high waters, Grouse Creek was past fording for nearly a week; obstructing the mails from the east and delaying freighters on their way to and from the Territory. It does seem there is enough travel on the roads east to justify a bridge over Grouse, and the TRAVELER would like to see one.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
E. E. Sanborn, St. Mary=s, Ohio, called on us Saturday, having arrived here Friday night. Mr. Sanborn expected to find Mr. Gordon on the ground, and wants to perfect such arrangements as will either bring him here permanently soon, or will allow him to retain charge of the mill in Ohio for another year.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The Emporia Daily Republican copied our article on Gus. Ivey and concludes with the words: AIt looks as though the Missouri Senator should pull down his vest before offering any more resolutions of investigation.@ Between Charlie=s weak utterings and the approval of Hon. C. V. Eskridge, we guess we can stand it.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Hon. J. S. Dunwoody, a prominent miller of Lamar, Missouri, and an old time friend of Messrs. Landes and Beall, arrived in the city Monday night. Mr. Dunwoody represented Doniphan County, this state, in the legislature during the great prohibition fight of a few years ago, with great credit to himself and constituents. He is here visiting his friends merely, and will return in a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Arkansas City is still discussing the navigation of the Arkansas. They say it can be done. When they make a success of it, we shall move for a congressional appropriation and slack [?] water navigation of the Walnut to Douglass. Tribune.
You will have to begin moving for the appropriation immediately then as the boat is ordered and under fair way to completion now. As soon as things open up permanently this spring, you can come down and hear her Atoot.@
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We are informed that the pontoon bridge across the Arkansas River at Oxford is for sale very cheap. Now, would it not be of advantage to our little city to buy the bridge and move it down the river till opposite here, for the accommodation of the people on the east side of the river? It would bring a large trade to this place that now goes to Arkansas City. We think money enough could soon be raised by subscription to buy it. Let us talk the matter up and see what can be done. Geuda Springs Herald.
If this bridge is for sale cheap, it would pay someone to put it on the Arkansas River at the mouth of Grouse as a toll bridge and accommodate the travel along the State Line.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We see some of our neighboring towns making loud brags about the amount of improvements made in their respective localities. We are candid in saying that it is impossible to ascertain the amount of improvements made here in the last year. The number of dwellings amounted at the very least to 250. We will put them at a very low estimate, $500 each. This makes $125,000. Then we have the Commercial and Hasie Blocks, $75,000; the Cowley County Bank, $25,000, the new schoolhouse, $10,000; the Houghton Block, $7,500; the Mason building, $2,000; Sipes= block, $7,500; H. P. Farrar, $5,000; addition to the building occupied by Wyckoff & Son, $2,000; Baptist Church, $3,000; Christian Church, $2,500; Free Methodist Church, $1,000; Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, repairs, $1,500; W. M. Blakeney, $1,500; Leland Hotel, $4,000; Newman, building block 69, $1,000; Arkansas City Building Association, $5,000; Skating Rink, $1,500; J. H. Punshon, $1,000; D. W. Stevens and L. Eldridge, $1,000; Beecher & Co. and McLaughlin Bros., $1,500; J. H. Hilliard, $1,000; Thompson & Woodin, $1,000; Chambers, $1,000; J. Alexander, $1,500; Ayres= Mill and Landes, Beall & Co., improvements, $1,000; DeBruce, $1,000; Park & Lewis and W. M. Rose, $1,000; Kroenert & Austin and Steadman Bros., $1,000; A. Harly, $1,000.
These, which we recall on the spur of the moment, foot up nearly three hundred thousand dollars. We are confident that we are not exaggerating when we place the amount above five hundred thousand dollars, which shows a fair gain for our thriving little city.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Ye local, while calmly promenading on the streets last Monday evening was suddenly and rudely awakened Afrom a small dream of peace,@ by an unearthly racket, a confusing commotion.
Making up his mind to trace up the unwonted confusion, he traversed the alley and located it in the rear of C. R. Sipes= hardware store. Stuffing his ears with cotton, he slowly neared the place of an apparently deadly conflict between a muley cow with four bells and a hornet=s nest. Suddenly opening the door, he courageously leaped into the midst of the melee. He discovered Will Griffith, with eyes distended, blowing for dear life in a tin thing; Joe Hoyt making a similar tin arrangement squeal in agony; Ollie Stevenson, with cheeks distended as though he had a mouthful of hot mush, was trying to roust the whole crowd at one blast; Mike Kitchen, too, putting in his little horn, while Anderson, Grimes, Willett, Breene, and Speers were making futile attempts to fly by blowing their insides out; and last, but, or horrors! By no means the least, Horace McConn was expending his jaybird strength in pounding a tough beefsteak and threatened to route the whole caboodle.
Having expended all their strength in the first attack, they paused long enough to inform the astonished local that it was the Border Band practicing. He immediately proceeded in search of the night watch, which, as yet, he has been unable to find.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Our little city is bathed in tears and enrobed in sack-cloth and ashes. Weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth is the order of the day. The occasion of all these solemn holy goings-on is the departure, sudden and unlooked for, of our near and dear Alexum complexum.@ Gone, we know not where; our grief knows no bounds. Truly are we bereaved. Unseen but not unloved, unheralded, but not forgotten, dear lexum complexum, ta-ta.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
J. Keller, S. D. Klingman, and J. W. Hutchison went to Sedgwick County last week to see a farm of J. Keller=s. They came back last Friday and immediately consummated a trade between the first two parties. The consideration was for Mr. Keller=s farm $6,000, and for Mr. Klingman=s $9,250--the difference being in cash. This is the largest sale made for some time by any of our real estate firms.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
N. W. Parvin purchased some lots in Leonard=s addition and will as soon as the weather permits commence the erection of a handsome residence. N. W. is so bashful he will not tell the future occupancy, but we can guess that he will live at home soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We printed bills for Prof. J. B. Garvin, who will conduct a class in penmanship and bookkeeping at the first ward schoolhouse. Prof. Garvin is an elegant penman and has been connected with various institutions in this country.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We heard the merry jingle of sleigh bells Friday last. They were attached to C. H. Searing=s team, which made use of this, the first and perhaps the last, opportunity of the season.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give an entertainment of some kind on the evening of St. Valentine=s day. The nature and place has not been determined upon yet.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Charles Elwood, recently convicted in the U. S. Court at Wichita of stealing a cow of Drury Warren, was sentenced Saturday to one year in the penitentiary.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Neff & Henderson shipped two carloads of hogs this week and have one load yet in the pens.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The Udall Milling Company have made out specifications for the erection of a mill at that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Miss Lottie Gary, of Winfield, spent Sunday of last week at J. L. Glotfelter=s in this city.
Mr. John Landes returned from Hot Springs, Friday last, very much improved in health.
We call special attention to Senator Plumb=s letter in another column.
Thos. Berry is in Washington testifying in the land lease cases.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Slightly Upstairs.
The wise and good Deacon McConn of the dying TRAVELER, in a crushing article on Gus Ivey, takes occasion to annihilate Senator Vest. Our wise and owlish Deacon sitting down on Senator Vest ia something like a [??? looks something like presmite ?] trying to devour Barnum=s Jumbo. Democrat.
After several nightly vigils and the burning of much midnight oil with Payne in fine frenzy rolling, the mighty intellect of Charlie dear evolved the above refined and withering sarcasm. We notice a few slight mistakes in which we call attention.
In the first place, the readers of the TRAVELER observe, if at all, that it is dying by issuing each week a paper containing more local news than any paper in the county without a single exception. Another proof is the fact that we do two thirds of the job work done in town, and still another, that we have more subscribers paid for a year in advance than either of our E. C.=s.
In the second place, the article referred to, and which even our imaginative friend does not dispute, does not Atake occasion to annihilate Senator Vest,@ nor does it contain any attempt in that direction.
Thirdly, the comparison loses its focus, and it lost its grammatical construction by passing through the aforesaid elongated youth=s hands. And,
Fourthly and last, the whole thing is untrue.
These are a few of the mistakes made, not including the typographical errors of which we noticed twenty-five in the first column.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The following names have been proposed by various citizens as men who would be acceptable as councilmen from the different wards. Many, most of them in fact, are men who would render the city good service in that capacity.
James Hill, James L. Huey, Will L. Aldridge, T. D. Richardson,
S. J. Rice.
T. H. McLaughlin, C. R. Sipes, L. E. Woodin, A. V. Alexander, Ira Barnett.
A. D. Prescott, C. G. Thompson, J. B. Hilliard, C. H. Searing,
S. Matlack, G. W. Cunningham, James Benedict.
A. A. Davis, John Daniels, J. W. Oldham, G. W. Miller, T. A. Gaskill.
It is of course unnecessary to say that this is an office that will seek the man; not the man the office. What we need is a council composed of such men as will devote some of their time and ability, without any hope of reward, except an approving conscience. We need men of ability and business integrity, who have made a success for themselves and are thus qualified to legislate for the good of the community. Our citizens will doubtless make a wise choice.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The Stolen Jewelry.
Our readers will remember the account last week of the young men arrested on suspicion of having stolen jewelry in their possession.
The sheriff received a letter from Springfield, Missouri, stating that a lot of jewelry and watches had been stolen from there, giving the cost and selling marks, which corresponded exactly with the marks on the jewelry in their hands. The letter also gave the members of the watches stolen. The watches had been mostly disposed of, four having been sold here. The marshal, W. J. Gray, has been ordered to procure the jewelry or arrest the parties known to have purchased them. It seems that the persons who bought the watches declare they have disposed of them, and cannot tell to whom sold. They will be compelled either to produce them or tell what became of them. They are liable to be charged with being receivers of stolen property if they are not careful.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Building and Loan Association.
Some of our citizens are making a move towards organizing a Building and Loan Association. Two gentlemen who have been here but a short time offer to put in $5,000 or $10,000, as any other two parties desire, and form a company having a capital stock of $50,000, the shares to be $10 each. The shares may be purchased on weekly installments of from 25 cents to the full amount. Houses will be built to be paid for by the purchasers in monthly installments. This is the most commendable enterprise to which our attention has been called for some time. An association of this character in Emporia has been of very great benefit to the city. So it would be here. We hope the matter will not be allowed to rest now that it has been mentioned.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Fruit Tree Men.
We are informed that several fruit men from Ohio are in our midst plying with their accustomed energy--the selling of fruit and shade trees.
We are sorry that so many farmers and others are so short-sighted as to purchase large bills of these men. We have men in this county who are responsible, known to be men whose word can be relied upon, and who have all the staple varieties in trees our people need. Their patronage depends on their fair dealing. Why our people will, under these circumstances, buy of foreign, irresponsible parties, and send their money out of the country in such quantities, and so unnecessarily, we cannot understand. If our friends will peruse the article on the outside of the TRAVELER, we believe they could not help being concerned.
[Note: Reference to Horticultural Article, which I skipped.]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Tea Party.
The ladies of the Baptist Church will give their first annual Tea Party, at the Baptist Church on Central Avenue Wednesday evening, January 28. A cordial invitation is given to all to come and spend the evening socially and extend their help financially. Supper will be served during the evening commencing at six o=clock. At half past eight o=clock exercises consisting of music, select reading, and solos, will be presented by some of the best musical talent of the city.
MRS. F. L. WALKER, President.
MRS. J. H. TRASK, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Notice. To all the voters of Creswell Township outside of the city limits,that there will be a township election held in said township at the Fitch house north of Cal. Swarts, on the Winfield road, Friday, February 2, 1885. All township officers will be to elect.
GEO. WHITNEY, Trustee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Police Court.
Hizzoner, Judge Kreamer, reports no business for the past week. Oklahoma and snake stories have occupied the judicial presence only, and nothing more wicked--or lucrative--has put in appearance.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Young Ladies= Band.
We notice that all over the East the young ladies are making a move in a new direction. They are organizing brass bands, and what is more are making a success of them. The young ladies are by experience proven to be better players, as a rule, than the young gentlemen: first, because they are better acquainted with music; and second, because their lips are better adapted to playing the instruments. The very first young ladies of the different communities are thus organizing and practicing with great success; entering into it with a vim.
Why cannot our young ladies undertake something of this kind! We have in our city ladies who we know would make a success in this matter, and would take an interest in it. A band organized by them would have the undivided support of the community, and we would point with pride to their energy, and chronicle their success with much satisfaction. We have several band leaders in town who would take much interest in them, and make thorough band players of them. We particularly mention Will Griffith. Even if the young ladies never played in public, they would obtain a knowledge of the art they would not part with for any sum.
As to getting instruments, our businessmen would gladly contribute; or what we consider a better way, our businessmen would lend certain sums to the band by which they could purchase their instruments. Then, after they had learned to play, the could give an entertainment which we guarantee would have the largest attendance ever witnessed in the city. The proceeds they could devote to repaying the money advanced by their friends.
By all means, let us show our neighbors the material our city is composed of and be the first one in this part of the state to come abreast of the times. Our young ladies have singing societies, sewing societies, and everything else; why not a band?
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Our City Paternals.
Very litttle business was transacted.
H. P. Farrar was ordered to foreclose the mortgage on the machinery of the Arkansas City Machine Shops, owned by Samuel Clarke. It appears that the city has become responsible in some manner for the payment of the chattel mortgage and takes this means to clear themselves. The mortgage was for $1,250, bearing 12 percent interest, on which the city pays 3 percent. Mr. Clarke has never paid anything either on the interest or principal of the mortgage. He has not even paid the use of the building. The principal and interest now amount to $1,500.
Mr. Danks, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who has been prospecting here for some time, has offered Mr. Clarke $1,200, which was refused. The council, realizing that the machinery would bring almost nothing if thrown on the market, have determined to sell it now, while a purchaser is at hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Oklahoma War Chief.
The new owner of the War Chief office has had lots of trouble getting possession of his material. The paper has been published at South Haven, the people there contributing quite a sum in order to get the paper. When the paper was sold, they would not allow it to be moved. A writ of replevin was served, and the proper officer took charge of it. Seeing that they were to lose it, they attempted to destroy it and partially succeeded. The damage is estimated at $50. The officers will be held responsible. The War Chief is here now owned by a private individual, instead of as heretofore, by the colony. It will, however, be issued in the interest of the colony. The first issue will appear next Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Gen. Brinkley Otel, one of the largest cattle owners in Texas, reports that cattle are dying by the thousands in the Sweetwater locality. They have drifted against the wire fence running along the Texas Pacific R. R., and hunger, thirst, and exposure are playing sad havoc among them, as they refuse to turn against the north wind.
In New Mexico, although much snow has fallen, cattle have done finely.
SALT LAKE, U. T., January 16. One dead animal to each thousand head is what the cowboys found while riding the North Yellowstone range, Montana, this week. Five of the dead ones stood in a water-hole drinking, when the ice formed around them; and when the boys tried to drive them out, they did not move worth a cent.
Throughout the entire portion of the country about Horse Creek the cattle, especially those on the range, are in splendid condition, and seem to have suffered little if any from the cold and storms on the latter part of December. Stockmen speak most encouragingly of the outlook for their business for the remainder of the season, the splendid condition of the cattle make the prospect of light loss almost a certainty. Cheyenne, New Mexico, Leader.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, January 15. The two days= rain is followed by a bitter northern. Stockmen and sheepmen report stock in poor condition, and many dying in portions of Southwestern Texas. The range is very poor and heavy losses are anticipated.
Notwithstanding the severe storms in the territories, advices from stockmen are to the effect that very little damage was done as stated in last week=s issue. The news is often exaggerated and a few drifting cattle don=t mean ruin and desolation.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The market for stock cattle and fat yearling and twos for spring delivery is very undecided at this time. Buyers are plentiful, provided the risk of delivery in the territories is assumed by the sellers; and sellers are numerous and prices are low, providing only that the delivery is in Texas and nowhere else. There is absolutely no trading done, yet bunches of stock cattle (beef on) [?] can be had at 13 dollars, and yearlings for ten dollars, and two-year-olds at fourteen dollars in any number from a thousand upward. The cattle to be such as are raised in Central Texas. An assurance of an open trail would advance these at least one dollar more. The condition of the range in the central portion of the state, and the uncertainty as to the movement of cattle northward makes it for the present a very decided buyer=s market. This applies to the overstocked ranges of Central Texas for cattle in various marks and brands, and does not apply to western cattle, which are seldom offered for sale and which are not obtainable at less than last year=s prices, or about four dollars per head higher than prices above quoted. Live Stock Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Republicans, Attention.
Republicans of East and West Bolton will meet at the Bland schoolhouse, Saturday, January 31st, at one o=clock sharp, to nominate a ticket for Township Board. By order of Committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Plumb on Oklahoma.
WASHINGTON, D. C., January 12, 1885.
P. M. GILBERT, Oxford, Kansas.
Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of your favor of the 9th. Have done what I could to secure consideration of my bill. Just how I am any more responsible than all the remainder of the Senate and House, I do not understand, but whatever my proposition is, that I am willing to assume. I have also seen the President and asked him if he could not suspend the operations of Gen. Hatch, until legislation could be had. This he declined positively to do. Subsequently I got senators Vest, Dawes, and Ingalls to go with me, and the matter was presented to him again, and he even more emphatically declined to interfere. He said his duty under the law was plain, that he issued a proclamation in accordance with the law, and that the colonists had openly defied it and had threatened to fire on the soldiers, and in every way had defied the authority of the government, and he would not now change his action without dishonor, and would not do it. There is only one opinion so far as I have been able to learn, and that is that there is no lawful authority for settling in the Territory. The Attorney General says Judge Foster=s decision doesn=t change this at all, and on reading it, it looks to me the same way. I have been unable to get no consideration of anything which looked to the right of process to go into the Territory without a law having frist been passed authorizing that to be done.
All I have said before I repeat. I am in favor of opening the Territory by law. In this matter I am only one out of 100. I have done all I could and shall continue to do whatever seems hopeful of success to obtain the passage of a bill opening the Territory. I have never advised or consented to anyone going in there until Congress has acted. If, therefore, blood shall be shed, as you seem to anticipate, the responsibility is not mine.
You speak of cattlemen. A number of them are here now. They have united in saying, I am told, that they interpose no objection whatever to opening Oklahoma, claiming no interest in it whatever; and in fact they do not oppose the opening of any portion of the Territory, and only claim that until it is opened, they or somebody else may properly graze there. The occupancy will not prevent the action of congress for a moment. Besides, I don=t understand, and never have, that the section of country into which the colonists have now gone is in the occupancy of the cattlemen, certainly no one claiming any leases. The whole trouble is with the law that now stands, which requires the President, as he construes it, and as has been construed to him by the Attorney General, to remove all intruders from the Indian Territory. So long as that remains, I have no doubt persons going in there will be removed, at least as long as Mr. Arthur is in, for his opinion on the subject is fixed.
As I said to you at Emporia, I feel friendly disposed to every man feeling the need of a home and in having one acquired from the public domain. I have never cast a vote or done anything except in the interest of such. I, therefore, naturally sympathize with such of the Oklahoma colonists as may be in this condition. How many want homes and how many want to speculate, of course I don=t know, and as those wanting a home, who might have gone on the lands in full belief that they were right, I should have been very glad indeed to have permission given them to remain. I foresaw that difficulty would arise and therefore I introduced a bill at the last session, as you know, on the subject, which has not been passed, through no fault of mine at all, but simply because the importance of the legislation does not now appear to other members of congress as it does to me, and of course there are difficulties which confront the consideration of this question as it is viewed by the minds of others.
Respectfully yours,
The position we have taken on the question exactly conforms with the views of Senator Plumb. We have always insisted that this country would only be opened by law. Force will not avail. A remarkable change of opinion has taken place among some parties here, since the news of this letter has been circulated.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Mr. Monet, the new probate judge, proposes to do whatever he can to suppress the sale of intoxicants in this county. He says that there are entirely too many druggists= permits to sell whiskey issued, and he proposes to cut off a lot of them.
Word just received from Caldwell says that Gen. Hatch, with a troop of the Ninth Cavalry, left that city Sunday morning for Stillwater, Indian Territory, to remove Couch=s colony of boomers. He will be joined at that point by four troops from Reno and Sill and one from Camp Russell. There is no doubt that the boomers will be removed, and that at once. Whether they decide to fight or not remains to be seen. A large wagon train of supplies accompanied the expedition. About Thursday the general will march to Stillwater with his command.
Wheat is now selling from 50 to 53 cents per bushel. The market has an upward tendency.
Wellington Daily Press, January 3rd, 1885.
E. Kimmel, who was discharged by the October term of the District court from a charge of robbery at Arkansas City, was rearrested Monday on another phase of the same charge, and now languishes in the bastille.
Winfield Courier.
The Adams express office at Harper was robbed one night last week, but little plunder was secured. Notices have been posted in the city warning certain gamblers and saloon men to leave the town. Telegram.
The oldest efficient exhorter of the Methodist Church in Kansas is believed to be Father Sheldon, of Cowley County.
A young lady living near Little River, while engaged in making cake, accidently upset the lamp, the oil setting fire to her clothing. She called for help, but before anyone came to her assistance, she was so badly burned that she died in a couple of hours. Commonwealth.
One of Grenola=s citizens, while on his way home the other night, was halted by a couple of fellows and ordered to give up his money ($42), which he did instanter. It is best not to carry money at night.
We never do.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. J. R. Perry, of the Sumner House, is suffering terribly with neuralgia and a slight affection of the brain. He has not been just himself since his little girl was killed last summer. Wellington Press.
Sympathizers of the Oklahoma boomers in Arkansas City were passing around the hat last week and received donations quite liberally.
Oxford Register.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
On Thursday and Friday, January 29th and 30th, Let Every Farmer in Cowley be present, with the Ladies.
A meeting of prominent farmers met at the Courier office Saturday last, and determined to hold a Farmers= Institute at the Opera House in Winfield, on Thursday and Friday, January 29th and 30th, to be conducted by Professors of the State Agricultural College. J. S. Baker, of Tisdale, was chairman of the meeting and Jas. P. Martin, of Vernon, secretary. An executive committee of nine was appointed by the meeting to have charge of the matter, composed of the following gentlemen.
M. H. Markum [? Markcum ?], Pleasant Valley, chairman.
Dr. C. Perry, Winfield.
T. A. Blanchard, Walnut.
J. R. Sumpter, Beaver.
J. S. Baker, Tisdale.
J. P. Martin, Vernon.
F. W. McClelland, Walnut.
Henry [?] Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley.
S. P. Strong, Rock.
This committee is arranging an interesting program of music, course lectures, and discussions which will appear next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
WEIR CITY AND OSAGE COAL at Chicago Lumber Co.=s.
CANON CITY COAL at Chicago Lumber Co.=s.
BLACKSMITH COAL at Chicago Lumber Co.=s.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
TICKETS, 50 Cents.
Tickets For Sale at Postoffice.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1885.
Another Fizzle After Much Blustering.
CALDWELL, Jan. 21. Hatch=s command is in camp 30 miles from Stillwater waiting the arrival of troops from Fort Reno. High water and storm prevent any definite action this week.
WICHITA, KANSAS, Jan. 21. The Daily Eagle is in receipt of a special from the Cheyenne Agency, this afternoon, which says that five companies of troops left that place on Sunday, in charge of Major Dewees of the 9th cavalry, with orders to join Gen. Hatch=s forces now at Stillwater for the purpose of ejecting the boomers who number near 300. The special further says that the latest courier from the field brings word that the settlers are loud in their denunciation of the United States army, the interior department, and the cattlemen, that they have blood in their eyes and purpose battle. The army forces now in the field number about 800 well-armed and well-mounted men, and the commanders do not apprehend any trouble in ejecting the men, who for purposes of speculation have gone into the territory in defiance of the warnings of the department and the proclamation of the president.
WASHINGTON, January 21. The following are the official instructions sent from the war department to General Augur yesterday, regarding the course to be pursued with the Oklahoma invaders.
To Brigadier General Augur, Fort Leavenworth.
In accordance with instructions from the secretary of war, the lieutenant general directs you to be informed that the president=s order for the removal from the Indian Territory of intruders therein, is to be enforced. It is hoped it may be done without armed conflict, but responsibility for any blood shed must rest upon those who do not accept the warning of the proclamation of the president of July 1, 1884, and who attempt with an armed force to resist the troops ordered to compel their removal. In order that the mischievous influence of the leaders of the present intrusion to incite a conflict may be reduced as much as possible, the military force should be increased so that all the intruders may see the hopelessness of resistance. The lieutenant general therefore directs that you will immediately reinforce Col. Hatch by the remaining companies of the Ninth cavalry, and also send him reinforcements from the Tenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-fourth infantry until the force he now has on hand shall be increased by 800 additional men. Acknowledge receipt.
(Signed) R. C. DRUM, Adjustant General.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1885.
South Bend.
Beautiful weather at present.
Plenty of snow, but no sleighs; plenty of ice, but no skates.
We have some very extensive stock feeders. Wm. Birdzell and son are feeding about three hundred head of cattle.
Notwithstanding the fact that leap year is past, a number of our community gave Mr. Bryant a very pleasant surprise one night last week.
We think if Mr. Holcomb intends running a barber shop, he should provide better accommodations than simply an old stool and a pair of scissors that cuts one hair and pulls three.
Wm. Birdzell treated himself and son to a new riding saddle, the cost of the two being seventy-two dollars and fifty cents. X. Y.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1885.
A Canada Cowboy.
Mr. Editor:
Below is an article copied from the American Agriculturalist on Acatching a wild cow,@ which we commend to some of the cowboy readers of the TRAVELER.
CATCHING A WILD COW. Mr. F. W. Godsal, Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada, wished to know if there is any plan or trap for catching a wild cow by the head, and holding her in order to milk or otherwise handle her.A
Have a set of stanchions set in some shed, or even an open yard, into which the cow may be driven. Then if food is placed in front of the stanchions, she will be forced by hunger to put her head through, and then by pulling a cord, the movable stanchion may be shut, and the cow caught. You will have a good time >gentling= her, but be patient and do not strike her, or hurt her in any way. One blow or kick will undo all the progress towards taming her you can make in half a day. Tie her legs to milk her, but do not hurt her.@We would say to the gentleman of Canada that if the cow has to be caught very often, he had better practice throwing a rope, and when he gets so he can rope a wild steer from horseback, and tie it down in three minutes by the watch, he is becoming an expert. C. M. SCOTT.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1885.
Live Stock Figures.
The fourteenth annual report of the Kansas City Stock Yards, lately issued, has some very interesting figures. The total receipts of cattle at the yards in 1871 were 120,827; in 1884 nearly five times that number, or 533,526. The number of hogs received in 1871 were 41,535; in 1884 the number was forty times as many, or 1,793,556. Sheep receipts in 1871 were 4,527, increasing to fifty times the number in 1884, 237,964. Of horses and mules the number received in 1871 was 808, and in 1884 the number increased to 28,196, over thirty times the receipts of the former year. The number of carloads of stock of all kinds received in 1884 was 55,257, which would be equivalent to 2,761 trains of twenty cars each; or, if all were put in one train, allowing thirty feet to the car, the line would be 1,666,870 feet, or 504 miles in length--about equal to a train whose engine is in St. Louis, Missouri, and the rear car in Wichita, Kansas.
Of the total number of cattle shipped into Kansas City last year, the Santa Fe road carried 343,561, or half the total number, which was 490,081. The number shipped over the other railroads to the Kansas City Stock Yards was as follows: Missouri Paciffic, 56,909; Union Pacific, 63,253; Southern Kansas, 88,243; Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf, 33,569; Kansas City, St. Joe & Council Bluffs, 10,546.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1885.
Mr. Haskins, of Arkansas City, was here a few days ago looking for a location to feed mules for the spring market. Udall Courier.
Messrs. Joe Finkleburg, A. W. Patterson, and W. H. Hagins, of the Terminus, spent a part of Tuesday and Wednesday in Cowley=s capital.
A gentleman from the Territory says many cattle have died at the different ranches in the last few days from the effects of the severe weather. Unless the weather relents, the loss will be heavier than for years.
Mr. A. B. Chambers, of Sparta, Illinois, was the guest of the Wilsons= at Capitall hill a few days this week. He was on his way to Arkansas City, where he intends to remain for the summer. He was accompanied from here by Will Rolls, who has been staying at Mr. Wilson=s for a few months. If the boys conclude to remain in the City, we speak for the City an addition of two young men of which the people may be proud, as they are very energetic and enterprising young men.
Torrance Cur.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1885.
BIG AD. Fruit Trees! Attention is called to the following list of our specialties for the coming spring: IMPORTED Cherry, Pear, and Apple Trees. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ABAILEY@ PLUM, IMPORRTED PEACH ON PLUM STOCK, AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FRUITS KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS NURSERY. Rose trees, Magnolias, and fine Evergreens a specialty.
D. W. COZAD, LaCygne, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
John N. Florer was up Sunday.
Six inches of snow fell Thursday night.
Judge J. Wade McDonald was in the city Monday.
F. L. Ferrel, of Wellington, was in the city Monday.
Nobe Caldwell, of Winfield, took dinner at the Windsor Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
The portly form of Maj. L. J. Miles was with us on our streets Monday and Tuesday.
G. H. McIntire, our popular and efficient sheriff, was in the city Monday night. He reports having his hands full.
Geuda Springs is to have a fine bank built on the corner next to the Stiner building. It will be built of brick, about seventy-five feet in length and a twenty-five foot front. Herald.
David Tompkins and wife returned to the city Thursday last. He visited the World=s Fair at New Orleans and returned by way of Indiana, where his wife has been visiting for several months.
Charlie Bryant has disposed of the Central Avenue Hotel to Fred Bowers. Fred will take pleasure in welcoming all the old patrons of the house, as well as such new ones as he may secure.
Mr. Stopher has disposed of his harness shop to T. R. Houghton.
T. H. Says these hard times will be over by the time the spring trade opens, and he is making preparations accordingly.
Mr. Johnson, of the cow firm of Johnson & Hosmer, came over from Arkansas City Monday and went down to the ranch on Coldwater to look after the pilgrim and native yearlings. Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
We acknowledge the receipt of an elegant invitation to a Bal Masque, at the Winfield Opera House, Tuesday evening, February 5, 1885. Committee on Invitations: B. W. Matlack, Lacey Tomlin, and A. B. Doane.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
C. E. Ward, who has been punching cattle on Stewart and Snyder=s ranch in the Territory, returned Saturday.
P. S. He did his cowboy exploits as he does the most of his manual labor, by proxy.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Mrs. O. Stevenson has been sick for the past few days, being confined to the house thereby. Last Thursday night she was taken with severe bleeding at the nose, like attacks of which she has had several times before. As a consequence, she has been very low; but at present, we are glad to note is fast recovering.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
A. W. Bell, of Reese, Greenwood County, a prominent real estate man from that section, visited Arkansas City last week. Mr. Bell purchased some property here some time ago and was down looking after it. He expects to come here to locate in a few months, as he is about to sell his business there. We gladly welcome all such.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Those three point, 8 pound, white blankets worn by the Indians cost the government $4.80 each in New York City; 2-1/2 point, $3.60, and the 3-1/2 point, 10 pound, green blankets, $7.50. APoint@ is shown by the stripe of four inches long on the edge near the end of the blanket. The Indian coats cost $2.81 each; pants $1.63 per pair; calico shirts, 24-1/4 cents; overalls 38 cents; boots $2.12 per pair; rubber boots, $2.44; washboards, 90 cents per dozen; wagons, 3 inch spindle, $52.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
It is wonderful the number of cat fish that are killed in the Arkansas River just below the dam. The fishermen go in below and drive the fish for a mile or more up the stream, and turn them like sheep into narrow channels, where they go in with spears and kill them by the wagon load. The fish trade of this place is becoming quite an item, and many pounds are being shipped as far west as Colorado. The wealth of he county might be increased by having Walnut and Grouse creeks supplied with Afeed.@
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Brightside.@Ralph Field has opened a restaurant which will be not only a credit to our town but also a great convenience to those desiring an occasional meal or first class board. He has rented the Gibby Building on Sixth Street directly east of Highland Hall and during the past week has kept busy a number of carpenters, plasterers, paper hangers, and painters, who have transformed the place into beautiful rooms nicely fitted up. The new place will be called ABrightside,@ a name already familiar to nearly everybody in the city. In point of neatness, Brightside is perfection itself and the bill of fare would please the most fastidious. Mr. Field charges twenty-five cents a meal.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Maj. M. S. Hasie returned from his eastern trip Friday.
Neff & Henderson shipped one load of hogs Thursday morning and two this morning.
Mrs. Huey and her son, Barrett, arrived home from an extended trip east, last Monday.
Frank S. Webster, special reporter for the New York World, was in the city Monday, to ascertain the exact status of the Oklahoma question.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
The Walnut Bridge is now completed and is said to be one of the finest in the state. We will visit it next week, and describe it fully.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
NOTICE. The books of the firm of Shepard & Westfall are lost, and all those indebted to the same are requested to defer payment until they are found. J. T. SHEPARD.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Hon. W. P. Hackney was down from Winfield, Saturday, representing the state in the case against Alida Vandermark and D. F. Best. Criminals must expect trouble when that holy terror, Bill Hackney, gets after them.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
The merry sound of sleigh bells resounded through our streets Sunday. All our young people and a majority of the older, apparently, were taking advantage of the seldom-to-be-found opportunity. Truly, a merry crowd they were.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Dr. Fowler, of Sparta, Illinois, made us a pleasant call yesterday. The Dr. expressed himself much pleased with our city and intends, if he can make the necessary arrangements, to cast his lot with our community ere long. We shall be glad to welcome him to the Canal City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
We see little flames of fire twinkling here and there all along the streets. Our citizens are trying to thaw out the water pipes, we ascertained. Our pipes were not laid deep enough to escape the frost during such long and severe cold weather. It is something totally unexpected and unprepared for.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Our old friend and subscriber, R. J. Stevenson, came in last week and, as his custom is, took advantage of our club list. Mr. Stevenson says the last storm played sad havoc with his hogs. He lost $50 worth, on account of their bunching up so, and it was so windy it was imposible to haul straw.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Will Griffith seems to be in hard luck. The cruel joke Frank Hutchison played on him and the band boys, the parties ye local sent to congratulate him some time ago are calculated to wear him to a shadow. The sight of our genial postmaster stretching his hand through the wires to congratulate the lady and his consequent embarrassment, were extremely laughable. A little premature Top. A little!
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
The 3rd regular annual meeting of the Kansas State Shorthorn Breeders= Association will be held in Topeka, Kansas, during February 10 and 11, beginning at 7 p.m. of the 10th. Prominent breeders and speakers will be present and give addresses, and take part in the discussions. All interested in the breeding of Shorthorn cattle are cordially invited to be present. O. W. HILL, President.
E. M. SHELTON, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Arthur Fitch, while enjoying the beautiful sleighing Sunday, met with quite a mishap. His sleigh struck a rock, and the whiffletree broke. Fitch held on to the lines and made a hurried exit over the dashboard without stopping to make proper adieus. After plowing a furrow with his nose about ten rods, he succeeded in stopping his team. No particular damage was done, and after an hour=s delay, the ride was continued. To the best of his recollection the snow was cold as it crowded its way quite unanimously down his shirt collar and drifted into all unoccupied cracks and crannies.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Mrs. F. D. Patterson, a dressmaker who has been located at Wellington for years, and enjoys a large patronage, arrived here on Thursday last to visit her mother. Mrs. Patterson=s friends have almost persuaded her that she can do as well here as in Wellington, and as she wishes to be with her mother, she has consented to remain a month or so. If she obtains the patronage here we are sure she deserves, she will locate permanently. This lady comes highly recommended. Mrs. W. P. Hackney, of Winfield, and several other ladies there sent all their work to her while she was in Wellington. Those who know her speak very highly of her.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
What Our Squatters Are Doing in the Matter.
The TRAVELER is now and has always been in favor of opening up the Oklahoma land for settlement under the homestead laws. While we hold this position, we strongly deprecate the attempts now being made and denounce the leaders as making such attempts for a purely mercenary purpose--for the money there was in it. We are in favor of opening this country, and heartily so, but it must and can only be done in a lawful, peacable manner. An appeal to arms is foolish, unreasonable, and utterly futile.
We append Gen. Hatch=s proclamation.
To whom it may concern:
That the orders and proclamation of the president of the United States may be endorsed pertaining to the Indian Territory, for the ejectment of persons who are now there without authority, and who have already resisted with arms. In order to remove them it has been found necessary to evoke the assistance of the military. The general commanding the department of the Missouri has been entrusted with the enforcement of the laws, and has dispatched a large force under command of the undersigned with instructions to see that the laws are observed in the Indian Territory of Oklahoma. It is within the knowledge of the officers in command that some hundreds of men have banded together to resist with arms the execution of the law in an avowed insurrection against the government. It is devoutly to be hoped that any unlawful action on your part leading to the sacrifice of human life be avoided. It must be clearly understood that the killing of any soldier obeying orders in the execution of his duty by men armed to resist the law is simply murder, and that they will sooner or later be tried for the same as principals or accomplices. None will regret more deeply such a result than the commanding officer and the officers serving under him. The responsibility now rests entirely with yourselves. It is with great regret the commanding officer learns that men who served their country faithfully during some of the best years of their life to sustain the laws of the government are openly leagued with a movement against the flag they served so well. It ill becomes them as old soldiers of the union, and upon reflection they must acknowledge the error. To you as to all citizens, legislation is open to settle any grievance. There is no necessity to resort to arms. Should the collision occur, to which it is the intention of your leaders to compel you, the military will not be responsible for loss of life or stock from roving bands of Indians who will seize the opportunity to inflict injury. All troubles can be avoided by observing the proclamation of the president of the United States, and peacibly leaving the Territory as directed.
Brevet Major General, Colonel Ninth Cavalry.
Our senators, Ingalls and Plumb, have taken this matter in hand, as they always do any question affecting their constitutents or the people at large and are pushing the matter to a hearing.
Senator Plumb offered a substitute to Vest=s resolution, which substitute requests the president to enter as speedily as possible into negotiations with such Indian tribes as may be in possession of more lands than enough to give each head of a family 160 acres with a view of using such surplus lands for settlers only.
Senator Ingalls supported this resolution and said it was in accordance with the necessity of things. It was intended not to do wrong; but to do justice to the Indians.
With the able advocacy of our two senators, we may soon expect to have the matter pushed to a test. It is remarkable that all, or nearly all, the western members who have practical knowledge of the subject, are heartily in favor of Plumb=s substitute, while the eastern and southern members who have a theoretical knowledge only, are opposed to it.
We look for a speedy opening not only of the Oklahoma country, but of the whole Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
While the whole county is complaining of terrific storms and a terrible winter generally, all is salubrious as a May morning in the Great Happy Valley. Around in Wichita little bare-foot children are at play, while roseate girls in bare arms may be seen gathering flowers. We would append an affidavit to this, but the notary public received a sun stroke yesterday morning. Oh, this land of sunshine and soft breezes. Wichita Eagle.
An affidavit is not necessary, Mr. Eagle, as we will vouch for its reasonableness. The latitude and climate of Wichita and Kingman are about the same, and here at the same time our clerks and merchants were so much oppressed with the heat that they were obliged to resort to wearing their summer seersuckers and linen pants, and the boys went swimming every day, while the ladies donned their ma-hubbards and sought repose in hammocks under the branches of spreading elms. Oh, do not doubt it, Sunny Kansas is the place to live. Kingman Leader.
We would like to try a hand at this lying business ourselves, if one of our E. C.=s had not a monopoly in the market.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
We call attention to the ad. in this issue of D. W. Cozad, of La Cygne, Kansas, nurseryman. He claims to have the selling of some superior and rare varieties of fruit trees. This is a Kansas institution and if our people can there obtain trees not to be had here, we have every evidence that they will be fairly treated. But we do not retract one whit our former statements that our farmers should patronize our home institutions wherever possible. This is simple justice and common prudence. [AD ALREADY TYPED.]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hess arrived here Monday. Frank=s house will not be completed for about thirty days, but as soon as it is, he will commence housekeeping. He reports a very fine trip, and taking everything into consideration, we do not doubt it. By the way, the TRAVELER hs not received the cigars yet.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Sheriff McIntire and Capt. Rarick effected an important capture Tuesday morning, in the person of Bob Perry, who broke jail in Wichita last Wednesday. He was found across the Walnut River concealed. A reward of $50 was offered for his arrest. Capt. Rarick took him to Wichita on the afternoon train.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
A man who was working on the Walnut bridge had a narrow escape Tuesday morning. He was working on the railing and, making a misstep, fell 17 feet onto the solid ice, happily lighting on his feet; otherwise, he would undoubtedly have been killed.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
The report that T. J. Sweeny has sold out to Frank Smith, we are informed by the parties, is not true. The firm is still Sweeny & Smith, and they are as ready as ever to accommodate patrons.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
J. K. Lawyer, of Wichita, who is doing the work on the Walnut bridge, came down Friday last. He says his work will be completed this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
The members of Y. P. S. C. are preparing to present the drama, ATurn of the Tide.@ They will not be ready however until the middle of March.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Mr. Martin received word from their (Burke & Martin=s) ranch Monday night. They have not lost a single head so far this winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
The Meeting at the Arlington Thursday.
Times set for County Fairs, etc.
The meeting at the Arlington Hotel, Wellington, Thursday, for the purpose of arranging dates for the county fairs embraced in this circuit, was attended by a full delegation, two representatives being present from each of the seven counties included in this circuit.
The meeting was called to order by Col. St. Clairr, of Belle Plaine, who presided over the meeting, and D. L. Krisinger [?], off Winfield, was selected as secretary.
Owing to many of the delegates coming unprepared to remain but a short time, the deliberations of the meetings were rather hurried. In fact, but a small portion of the business arranged for transaction was completed.
Dates for holding fairs in the following counties were thus arranged.
Anthony, Harper County, Sept. 1st to 5th.
Harper City, Harper County, Sept. 8th to 11th.
Winfield, Cowley County, Sept. 22nd to 26th.
Kingman, Kingman County, Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd.
Wichita, Sedgwick County, Oct. 4th to 9th.
El Dorado, Butler County, Oct. 12th to 16th.
It was also agreed that a uniform rate of general admission, rent of booths and stalls, etc., should be charged by all of the above fairs.
After considerable discussion on general topics pertaining to fairs, the meeting adjourned to convene at the same place again on Wednesday, March 4th, at which time steps will be taken towards organizing a trotting circuit.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
A House of God Desecrated Shamefully.
E. A. Barron observed early one morning last week a girl emerging from the Methodist Church. This circumstance raised his curiosity and he made an investigation and found that the church had been occupied that night, as a fire was burning and things were somewhat in confusion. He promptly notified the marshal, who identified the girl as Alida Vandermark, who was brought here from the East by S. Matlack to work for him, and was discharged on account of certain disgraceful actions. She was arrested and confessed that Ery Miller and herself had been in there all that night. Miller was soon hunted up and the justice before whom they were arraigned, fined them $50 and costs each, amounting to $109, and sentenced them to the county jail until such fine and costs were paid.
This is the most disgraceful proceeding that has come to light for a long time. The heinousness of the offense demanded all they got--not taking into consideration the fact that the church of God was defiled by their actions. No punishment can be too severe for them.
The startling intelligence was vouchsafed by the young reprobate, that he or some other--which, is not quite clear--had frequently done this. When our people are subject, not only to the disgrace of such proceedings but to the desecration of their place of worship, it is high time we move ourselves and get rid of such characters as Kansas City is now doing--expel them by force from our midst, with a warning never to return.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Baptist Ladies= Entertainment.
The ladies of the Baptist Church will give a sociable and entertainment at the new Baptist Church tonight. Some of the best talent of the city will assist Mrs. Wilson, of this city, who will preside at the organ. Supper will be served from 5 to 7-1/2 o=clock. All are corrdially invited to attend and have a pleasant time. The proceeds to be used in furnishing the church.
Medley Quartet: Miss Thomas, Mr. Mowry, Mrs. Ayres, Mr. Hutchison.
Recitation: Miss Emma Theaker.
Select Reading: Mrs. Walker.
Recitation: Miss Mamie Stoneman.
Solo and Chorus: Mrs. Owen, Mr. Hutchishon, Mrs. Ayres, Mr. Mowry.
Recitation: Miss Flora Gould.
Trundle Bed Song: _______ [EVIDENTLY DID NOT GET THE NAME.]
Song: Anna Dobson.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
A Good Record.
Capt. Rarick still keeps in the front rank as an officer of the law. In his capacity of Deputy U. S. Marshal he made four arrests in the Territory and in each case secured a conviction at the term of court held at Wichita two weeks since. The following are the names of the criminals, for what arrested, and sentence passed.
Charley Ellwood, stealing cattle of Drury Warren, one year in the penitentiary.
Theo. Rosebell, burglary and larceny in the Territory, fined $1,000, and one year in the penitentiary.
Andrew Green, for horse stealing at Sac and Fox Agency, sentenced to one year in the penitentiary.
Geo. Andrews, for horse stealing at Osage Agency; will spend one year in the penitentiary.
These four were the only criminal convictions secured at this term of court.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
After Many Days.
This is a parable.
A way in the dim past about A. D. 1875 Wellington wanted to have a way up Fourth of July celebration, and imaging that Home musical talent was not the thing, applied for the Arkansas City band to discourse sweet music for them.
All arrangements were made for ten pieces, and the gentlemen who went to Wellington were as follows.
Messrs. E. B. And W. S. Thompson, Lyman Herrick, Rob and Tom Baird, C. R. Sipes, Frank Speers, Rit Berkey, C. Balcom, and Al. Wells. Several members of the band, proper, were absent, but after much skirmishing around nine musicians were found and the tenth piece was a dummy; or in other words, a make believe player with a silent horn. Everything went off serene, they got their pay and all was lovely.
Here comes the turn of the tune. Arkansas City wanted a way-up dance, tip top imported music, no home talent, you know, but something immense, and Wichita=s Italian Band kindly responded and agreed to ravish our souls with the thrilling strains of four pieces. They came, they played. It was good and everybody was pleased, but nevertheless we had our own medicine to take for the dummy was there sure enough with his little horn. History repeats itself and the moral of this is, patronize home institutions.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
DIED. Agnes, wife of Judge A. J. Pyburn, died Wednesday morning, January 21 A. D. 1885, at 8 o=clock. For a great many years Mrs. Pyburn has been in poor health, yet the blow was none the less unexpected when it came. She was alarmingly ill only two or three days, her family anxiously surrounded her on Tuesday night. Quietly in the morning she passed away.
A. J. Pyburn and Miss Agnes Adams were married October 14, 1857, she being 20 years of age then. At the age of sixteen she joined the Christian Church, and has always been a living example of the truths she professed. She leaves four children living.
Her funeral services were conducted by Rev. S. B. Fleming Thursday morning at 10 o=clock, at the family residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Safe Blowing [Winfield].
Last Saturday night between the hours of 12 and 2 a.m., the store of Smith & Zook was visited by burglars, who made their entrance at the back door, and drilled a hole into the lock cavity of the safe, which they filled with powder, and blew off the front of the door, after which they found no difficulty in opening the safe and securing a small amount of money and some jewelry.
No clue to the robbers is yet discovered, but the officers are in pursuit. Some powder, a dozen drills, and other tools were found thrown inside the fence of Oliver Bro.=s lumber yard the next day; these were evidently the tools used by the burglars in opening the safe.
LATER. Two persons, a man and woman, were taken by Sheriff McIntire at Cherryvale Monday night, who were suspected from a chain of circumstances, both preceeding and following the burglary.
Winfield Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Do We Want a New Rail Road?
Major C. H. Searing received the following letter this week, which he handed us for publication.
WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS, January 21, 1885.
Major C. H. Searing, Arkansas City.
DEAR SIR: Our citizens are agitating the question of a railrod connecting with some terminus of the A. T. & Santa Fe R. R. in Southern Kansas, and I was delegated to correspond with parties in your town to see their desire in the matter. Congress is now in session and quick action will be necessary to get anything before the House this session. We have good available water power here and a through R. R. connection to Kansas City will make this the most important point in North Texas except Dennison. Please reply soon.
Yours, W. A. KNOTT.
If our citizens want our road extended through the Territoty, an opportunity is now offered. This is something we have long desired, something we absolutely need, and, in time, must have. Our citizens should take immediate action, as suggested in the letter, as Congress soon adjourns and what is to be done should be done before that time.
Should C. H. Searing, James Hill, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman,
S. Matlack, T. H. McLaughlin and other of our leading citizens put their shoulder to the wheel now, we may soon have a road to the South by which we may dispose of surplus grain and at the same time get cheaper lumber and other supplies.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Police Court.
Things have been somewhat livelier in this line for the past week.
City of Ark. City vs. Ery Miller, complaint of E. A. Barron, president of the M. E. Church Board of Trustees, plead not guilty; fined $50 and costs, total $54.50, sentended to the county jail until such fine and costs are paid.
Ditto vs. Alida Vandermark, same complaint, fine and sentence.
Ditto vs. D. F. Best, fast driving. $5 and costs, total $9.50.
Justice Court.
State vs. Alida Vandermark, unlawful cohabiting as married, $5 and costs, total $31.18, committed to county jail.
State vs. D. F. Best, larceny, dismissed.
State vs. D. F. Best, trespass, $50 and costs, total $70.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
An Accident.
Harry Hill met with quite a painful accident last Saturday. We understand that he had been over to Geuda Springs and while returning, his horse, being smooth shod, slipped and fell, catching Harry=s leg and making a simple fracture just below the knee. Dr. Chapel set it and Harry is now getting along as well as could be expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Shepard & Westfall have dissolved partnership.
Arkansas City, Kansas, January 1, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Stock Notes.
A number of our stock men are bringing cattle to the state where they can be fed as this cold weather necessitates.
Shippers of sheep and hogs should make an effort this winter to compel the railroads of Kansas to furnish double decked cars as they do in Missouri and most other states. Sheep men, especially, are crippled in shipping by having to pay full car rates on single decks for sheep.
The two Acattle queens@ are the widow Diff, of Colorado, and the widow Raab, of Texas. The former was a sewing machine agent in Denver when she married her husband, who shortly died, leaving her $2,000,000 in cattle. She has since married a Methodist Bishop. The widow Raab was also left a ranch and a large number of cattle, and she is now married to a Methodist preacher.
At a recent meeting of the Chickasaw Nation, it was decided to levy a tax of 16 cents a head on all cattle driven through the Territory. It was also decided that drivers must travel not less than eight miles per day, nor deviate more than one mile from the main line of travel. Any stock lost or dropped from passing herds is liable to be taken up by any citizen, who is authorized to charge $1 per head per month.
Denver Tribune-Republican: Col. Overhill left St. Louis about nine years ago with $2,000 in his pocket, which he owed twice over. Today he has fenced pasture to the extent of about 3,000 acres which is at all times stocked with about 3,000 head of cattle of superior quality, the increase being sold annually. The Colonel is a very rich man, and his income is said to be about $25,000 per annum. He was for years conductor on the North Missouri Railroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Stock Perishing in Texas.
FORT WORTH, TEXAS, January 17, 1885. The biter cold weather of the last few days has been most disastrous to the cattle and sheep interests in this part of the state. The news received here today is that many cattle have died and thousands from the northern part of the state are drifting southward until they are stopped by the extensive pasture fences, when they huddle together. Many are thrown down and trodden upon by others and killed. The sleet has covered the little dry grass there was left and cattle already poor are starving to death. Sheep are also dying off, 3,000 having died in one county in the last four days. One sheep owner living near Fort Worth today offered his flock at 30 cents per head. Unless a thorough thaw comes at once and the weather remains much warmer, the loss in cattle and sheep will be immense. Stockmen are gloomy over the prospect.
DALLAS, TEXAS, January 17, 1885. The weather continues very cold, with the mercury down to 7 degrees above zero. Those interestd in stock ranches expect a great loss. The continued cold spell has already killed off large numbers and reports continue to come in of great losses. On some ranches the stock which had good spring and fall grazing are doing well under the circumstances. The losses are generally confined to those ranches which were scarce of grass and water in the early part of the season.
MARSHALL, TEXAS, January 17, 1885. The thermometer this morning stood 10 degrees above zero, something very remarkable for this latitude. Stock of all kinds are suffering greatly and business of every kind is necessarily suspended in consequence of the cold weather.
Globe Democrat.
Blooded bulls are the only ones to put on all kind of ranges.
The range in Texas is not in average condition; otherwise, the recent storms would have caused but trifling damage.
Texas Live Stock Journal.
The famous Jersey cow, Princess 2nd, of the Shoemaker herd at Baltimore, Maryland, dropped a bull calf on the 4th of the present month which is said to have been sold for $10,000 to T. S. Cooper. The calf was sired by Black Prince of Linden.
In a private letter received from a gentleman in Buffalo, Wyoming, dated January 16, the following clause was found. AAll reports of heavy losses in our vicinity among range cattle, except perhaps it be late Texas yearlings, are sensational. In the six years I have been familiar with the cattle business in Wyoming Territory, I have never seen natives looking better at this season of the year.@ N. W. Live Stock Journal.
At a late cattle hurrah at Emporia, Kansas, the boys had a high old time. On the walls were illumined horse and appropriate decorations, among which were the mottoes:
Kings are rulers and despots in the east; in the west the cattlemen are kings, and good times at a feast.@A
Good breeding and good feeding will always leave their mark.@A
Horns are out of fashion--Galloway.@A
Straight horns for us--Herefords.@A
Little horns are useful.--Jerseys.@A
Take a mixed horn--Colorado.@A
Take short horns--Durham.@A
Long horns for us--Texas.@
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Too Energetic Organ Man Deservedly Comes to Grief.
A Winfield organ man sold an instrument to Perley Davis some time ago, taking $15.00 in cash and giving time on the balance. For some reason, perhaps because payments were not made quite as agreed, he came down last Friday to take the organ. Mr. Davis was sent out on a fool=s errand; the night watch, who happened to be present, was sent out to the kitchen for some water; and the organ man and his assistants proceeded to get away with the organ. Mrs. Davis, happening in the room, got between them and the door, to expostulate on such action, when she was violently thrown across the room out of the way by the aforesaid Agentlemanly@ agent. Putting the organ in the wagon they hastily left.
Mr. Davis, of course, had a warrant issued for them, and they were arrested Saturday at Winfield.
Such acts as this man dealt in deserve the condemnation of all men. We hope a just punishment will be meted out.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
The Atlanta Spy, as Played Here, a Success.
The G. A. R. Entertainment was met by a sudden change of weather, the opening evening witnessing the heaviest snow storm that has visited this part of the state for years. Notwithstanding this, a good audience greeted them when the curtain went up.
We will not enter into details of the play, which we consider to be very inferior but we must say the players acquitted themselves remarkably well. The acting of L. D. Dobbs, S. V. Devendorff, and
J. H. Johnson, who put the play on the boards, was good. Of the home players, Miss Nellie Nash was perhaps the best; Miss Minnie Steven=s singing was excellent, and fully appreciated by the audience of the three evenings. Billy Rike did well as AWillie.@
The net earnings of the Post was $_____ [NOT GIVEN.]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Farm for Sale.
A farm of 120 acres of first bottom land on the Walnut River five miles northeast of Arkansas City, and one mile west of the Dunkard Mill, 80 acres under cultivation, 40 acres fenced in for pasture. Apples, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes, and all bearing. Living water, building stone. 20 acres timber. Come and see for yourself and get terms. ALEXANDER GILLIS.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Ad. Uriah Spray is the man who can sell you property.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Ad. To Rent. Two good rooms suitable for a physician, over Central Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Ad. Coal and Wood. McAllister, Pittsburg, Osage City, Web City, and Canon City Coal and Wood always on hand at Arkansas City Coal Co.=s.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 4, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Ask Phil. Snyder how he likes guns.
Flour has been advanced 25 cents a hundred.
Jim Jones was down from Winfield last Wednesday.
Mowry & Sollitt are repainting their front in elegant style.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
C. Mead was taken sick Friday night, and is now confined to his bed.
Frank Terrill, of Wellington, has taken Sam Wiles= place in the Arcade.
Landes, Beall & Co., commenced Monday to run their mill night and day.
S. S. McDowell, father of Ernest, is visiting him. He will remain a week or so.
S. V. Goeden will commence the erection of a new house on Summit street next week.
David Tompkins and wife started to California Monday, where they expect to cast their lot.
E. D. Eddy started East today to visit friends and relatives. He will be absent about two weeks.
W. W. Hull, of Wichita, brother of J. Y. Hull, was in the city last week. He returned Thursday.
G. W. Duncan, of Otoe Agency, and Fred Quinby, of Ponca, made us a pleasant call Monday night.
Miss Viola Bishop has been somewhat indisposed for a few days and confined to the house in consequence.
Misses Annie Hyde and Nina Anderson came down Monday noon and took dinner with Joe Finkleburg.
Will Guyer has been very sick for ten days past with typhoid pneumonia. He was better, however, this week.
Mrs. Boyd, of Illinois, and Mrs. Young, of Independence, Kansas, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Ayres.
G. H. McIntire and Capt. Rarick started Monday to take Hillman, Black, and three other prisoners to the penitentiary.
Ed. Grady started to Chicago and Wisconsin Monday to be absent two weeks. He thinks of buying lumber while absent.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Representatives of the Chicago Tribune and Times, Kansas City Times, and New York World were in the city last week to make reports concerning the boomers to their respective papers.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
J. S. Duncan, of the Chicago Tribune, called on us last Friday. He was here in the interests of his paper working up Oklahoma news, of which he made quite an extensive report.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Landes, Beall & Co., report that they are behind on their orders about fifteen or twenty cars. They are unable to buy sufficient wheat in this market, and are shipping in five cars a week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Frank Martin, the boomer who froze his feet, has so far recovered under the treatment of Drs. Wright and Sparks that he was able to walk to their office Saturday to have them dressed.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
S. P. Gould has taken a new departure. He has established a candy and peanut counter, where fresh candy, made each morning, and fresh roasted peanuts can be obtained. R. E. Grubbs will have charge of it.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
BIRTHS. Dee Wright and Sparks have been reaping a harvest the last week, as follows. Early West, Sunday, boy; average weight. Jas. McQuirk, Sunday, boy, usual size. Mr. Wallace, across Arkansas River, girl, Saturday night.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
John Gibson will move his barber shop this week into the room occupied, until recently, by Mr. Stopher as a harness shop. John is fixing this room up in excellent shape and will soon be prepared for the increased patronage he expects.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
W. L. Couch and a number of other boomers were arrested after the meeting Friday last on a charge of Aconspiring against the government and threatening armed resistance to troops.@ The officers seem to think it a very serious charge, and that it will be proven.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
M. J. Brown, of the AFarmer=s and Merchant=s Bank@ of Cadiz, Ohio, made us a pleasant call while in the city last week upon a visit to our townsman, Capt. C. M. Scott. The gentleman is the father of Dr. C. H. Brown, who spent several days visiting friends in the canal city last month.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
We made an unintentioned error in mentioning the call of Dr. Fowler last week. We attributed him to Sparta, Illinois, instead of Ohio. As the Dr. is rather proud of the presidential state, he corrected us by leaving the necessary for the TRAVELER for a year to be sent him at Ohio, with a big AO.@
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Two Harper men went down in the Territory hunting about three weeks ago. They camped on the Cimarron River 100 miles south of Harper. After staying there just two weeks to a day, they returned having fifty deer and thirty wild turkeys as the result. The game netted them over $400.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Mrs. Terrill, of Vinton, Benton County, Iowa, has opened a dining parlor in the rear of Steven=s building on Summit street. This is the neatest and coziest little retreat in the city, and anyone wishing an extra meal will be generously treated. This lady comes highly recommended and expects to make this her home.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
We received a pleasant call Monday from Mr. A. Wiley. In conversation he informed us that stock on their (Wiley & Harkness) range was doing very well. They do not expect to lose more than 2 percent this season, as their cattle are in better shape now than they were at this time last year. He called our attention also to the fact that all the heavy losses reported were from the western part of the Cherokee strip, where the only grass of any consequence is the buffalo grass. This grass is easily covered up by the snow and the stock then are deprived of the means of sustenance. While south of us here, we have plenty of swamp and other grasses, which can be got at by the cattle all the time and also have plenty of timber for shelter. Consequently, the losses are small in comparison to that further west.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Do not fail to register.
Mrs. D. Berkey, mother of Mrs. D. W. Stevens, returned home Thursday.
Mrs. Wyckoff is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. N. T. Gooch, at Otoe Agency.
Ed. Baugh, brother of Geo., returned to his home in Nebraska last week, taking with him his sit er, Katie.
Miss Eva Berkey, of Winfield, came down Saturday to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. D. W. Stevens.
A. Wiley came up from his ranch on Saturday. He reports their cattle in fair condition, and hopes to have small losses.
C. B. Anthony has established a Bureau of Information, with rooms over the post office. He offers to give information on any topic.
Tyner & Muzzy have been awarded the contract for painting the Commercial and Hasie blocks. There will be about $41.00 worth of work.
The Courier says A. T. Spotswood has fixed up the cutest little post office you ever saw in his store, to practice on while awaiting his appointment.
S. F. Davis came in Saturday and took advantage of our club list.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
V. M. Ayres met with quite a mishap to the Canal Mills last Saturday, breaking the cogs off an important wheel, necessitating a stoppage of a week or more.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Drs. J. T. Shepard and M. B. Vawter will go to New Orleans soon by way of Kentucky, Georgia, and Florida. They will remain some time, taking in the sights.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Dr. J. P. Grimes was sick last week and unable to attend to his duties in the store. Charlie was all alone and spread himself to make up Ain activity@ for the small force.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Frank Willits, who has been one of A. A. Newman & Co.=s popular and hospitable corps of clerks for some time past, has returned to his old home in Indiana to make a visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
We call attention to the new ad. of Wyckoff & Son in this issue. They have put in a new and complete stock of simple and fancy groceries, in addition to their clothing and gent=s furnishing goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
The Mystic Five assembled in solemn conclave, Tuesday night, under the portals of F. K. Grosscup. The proceedings were wrapped in mystery of the darkest kind. Ye local was unable to penetrate it.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
H. C. Deets left Monday morning for New Orleans and points south. He will be absent about two weeks. In the meantime Mac has charge of the Red Front, and will take great pleasure in skinning and scalping its many patrons.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
There have been not less than 10,000 pounds of fish caught within two miles of the Arkansas River dam in the last three months. The fish industry has become an important one here in the winter time, when other avenues are closed to the laborer.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Dr. F. F. Ellis returned Saturday from a three week=s trip to the different towns in this section of the country which are not supplied with dentists. He did a large amount of work, and hereafter will vist Cedarvale regularly. He speaks highly of that place as a live building little burg.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
We have our complaint to make in regard to the weight of our coal, but will say this much, that if the Local Editor of the Democrat will limber up his legs and return the coal borrowed, perhaps the neighbors will not be under the necessity of visiting his 1,000 pounds of coal.
Yes, we will leave your box.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
It=s an Aill wind that blows no man good.@ The Indians below us have refused to come here for freight or do any freight at all until the roads and the weather are better. Consequently, white men have now to haul their frieght to them, and thereby many of our laborers have obtained employment in this way when no other could be had.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Ware & Pickering are shipping in three carloads of corn a week from up the road, which they ship to the cattlemen below. They keep from fifteen to eighteen teams going all the time, and cannot get enough then. While this is a hard winter on cattle, our people are furnished employment, as many as will take it. There is little excuse for a man, if he has a team anyway, being without work.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
A stranger made an attempt to rob the store of Frank Harden, at Cambridge, this county, Friday night. On the pretense of wanting to buy some sugar, the proprietor, who had just closed up for the night, turned to re-light the lamps when a six-shooter was shoved in his face. After a struggle in which the revolver was discharged, the man agreed to leave if no disturbance was raised. All he got was some healthy exercise and Frank=s hat.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Cal. Ferguson, who has been down in the territory for a couple of weeks looking over the stage line, came up Saturday. He reports cattle in very bad shape, dying by the hundreds. They are unable to get water, as all the creeks are frozen up, and feed is very scarce. He particularly mentioned the poor condition of the cattle on Dunman & Bennett=s range, where the cattle are huddled up in but close along the south fence without either food or water, and must die if the weather does not change immediately and permanently for the better.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Quite a stormy discussion was had by the boomers in reference to cutting down the membership fee from $6 to $4. It was argued that if such a reduction was made, the number of members would be augmented and larger expenditures gathered to invade the Territory. The leaders of the colony opposed it solidly. In this connection we wish to repeat a remark made to us by Capt. Couch himself. In answer to a question, he said every man who ever went to Oklahoma was self-sustaining, took along his own provisions, arms, and supplies. Also that no officer received any remuneration whatever for his time of service for the colony. At another time he said there were 10,000 members of the colony, holding certificates of membership. The price of each certificate is $6.00. The organization of the colony has been in existence five years. Also, that every dollar in the treasury has been used. These facts we state as having been obtained from the leader, and do not wish to draw any inference detrimental to him, but we can but think, AThere=s a nigger in the wood pile.@
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
We desire again to call the attention of parties who are compelled to wait for their mail in the post office, to the fact that smoking there is against the rules of the Post Office department. While this is the case we could scarcely have thought it necessary to have referred to it. We do not desire to deprive anyone of the comfort of smoking. It is a practice we indulge in ouselves, but it certainly does look as if gentlemen should consult the comfort and tastes of others. Ladies and those to whom smoking is offensive, are also compelled to wait there for their mail, and it is a shame and a disgrace that they should be compelled to inhale the offensive odor of stale smoke and tobacco which is almost unbearable sometimes, by old smokers like ourselves. The instincts of gentlemen should forbid us from so doing to inconvenience them. We should all remember this.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Mr. Editor:
We are now a city of the second class with nearly, if not quite 4,000 people, are getting a national and state reputation which, under the right kind of management in our local affairs, would soon place us among the first cities of the state. I am a strong party man, voted all my life national and state tickets straight, but in local matters I am for good and honest government, and want the very best and most efficient men for the places and I think the time has now come when some steps should be taken in that direction in this city. I don=t care what a man=s politics or religion are if he is only the right man in the place. I would like to see a citizens caucus called by the leading men regardless of party and good men nominated for the city offices at large and the different wards follow suit. Yours in behalf of good Government. CITIZEN.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Editor Traveler:
The members of Arkansas City Post, No. 158, desire, through your paper, to return their sincere thanks to the members of the Young People=s Social Club, to W. D. Mowry, Willie Rike, J. J. Clark, and the young ladies who assisted in the tableaux, who so nobly and generously assisted them in playing the ASpy of Atlanta.@ They gave their services freely and without hope of reward, thereby showing their sympathy and good will for the Aboys who wore the blue.@ We will ever hold them in grateful rememberance, and we wish each and every one of them a long and prosperous life, free from Awars alarms,@ and the sorrow and suffering incident to war. S. C. LINDSAY, Adjustant.
AL. MOWRY, Commander.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Geo. W. Cunningham received an order from R. H. Vermilye, of the Magnolia Farm, near Winfield, for 105 bushels of orchard grass seed, 30 bushels of blue grass, 2 bushels of timothy, and 7 bushels of clover.
This is the largest order given in this county for grass seed, and indicates a most healthy state of affairs. Not only this farm, but a great many others are being sown in tame grasses, and the number increases each year by a larger ratio. Our farmers are beginning to see the benefit and the necessity of them, and each year they increase the value of their farms by the judicious use of these tame grasses.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Six new members were admitted to the Y. P. S. C. At their last meeting. Misses Emma Theaker, Rose Morse, Anna Bowen, Clara Thompson, and Anna Meigs and W. B. Daniels. An interesting session was held at the home of the Misses Martin.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Some of ourr school children, in order to pass away the tedious time, indulged in a Akid game@ of poker during noon and recess intermissions. An apology and Apromise to do so no more@ wiped Aall guilty stains away.@
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
T. R. Houghton is making arrangements to open up an extra large spring stock of harness, saddles, etc., in the room which Fitch & Barron now occupy. He has leased this building, and will fix it up to suit his business.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild Society will meet with Mrs. R. E. Grubbe Saturday afternoon, February 7, at 2 o=clock. They will also give a social at the residence of Mrs. F. Beall, February 11. All are cordially invited.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
LOST. Between the West Arkansas River bridge and Sumner County line, the forepiece of a breech loading shot gun. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at this office. T. L. WARREN.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
We call attention to the change in Sweeny & Smith=s ad. This week. Frank has purchased Mr. Sweeny=s interest, and is now sole proprietor. We all know Frank and know that he will succeed.
He keeps at all times hams, breakfast bacon, side meat, a large supply of candies, fine groceries, a full line of sugars, coffees, teas, canned goods, dried fruits, and a complete stock of the best
And the best brands of CIGARS. He keeps the best brands of flour, also boiled meat and graham flour, and a neat and well selected stock of glassware and queensware. He can surely suit you in quality, and style of goods, as well as in price. He aims to deal fairly with the public, placing a living and equitable profit on all goods, hence he will not sell you one article below cost to catch you on another.
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Communion services will be held next Sabbath morning at the Presbyterian Church. Special attention is called to the preparatory service at the Church Saturday afternoon at 2 o=clock.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Miss Etta Barnett is visiting her friend, Eva Phillips, in Wichita. She will be absent about a week. ADo come back by Thursday, anyway. It will be awfully lonesome.@--E. L. K.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
L. W. Kennedy, Santa Fe Agent at Winfield, came down Saturday to see where all the freight comes from, that is constantly kept streaming through his village.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Our readers will observe under the heading of the first column of this page that the arrival and departure of the trains have been changed since our last issue.
Time Card of the A. T. & S. F. R. R.
Accommodation: 9:00 p.m.
Passenger: 12:35 a.m.
Accommodation: 6:00 a.m.
Passenger: 3:05 p.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Mr. Isaac Ochs, we are sorry to learn, has been confined to the house for several days on account of rheumatism, but was able to be out Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
M. N. Sinnott came down from the hub Saturday and spread his genial smile promiscuously around the streets.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Wm. Gall was down from Winfield Saturday. He has serious thoughts of relocating with us.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Eli Youngheim came down from Winfield Monday to keep Joe from joining the boomers.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
BIRTH. Born February 1, 1885, to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mitchell, at Geuda Springs, a daughter.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
A. E. Marsh, of Lime Springs, Iowa, is visiting his friends, A. D. Prescott and B. Beal.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Maj. J. W. Scott, of Ponca, came up to the canal city Monday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
J. H. Tomlin, of Winfield, perambulated our streets Thursday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
J. H. Sherburne was up from Ponca Thursday on business.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Jas. A. Blair, of Medicine Lodge, was in the city Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
A. H. Buckwalter waded through our streets Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
S. H. Foss, of Geuda, was in the city Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
A General Review of the Question From an Impartial Standpoint.
In 1806 the Indians ceded to the United States a large tract of land lying on both sides of the Cimarron River. There was an agreement in the treaty that the Government should use this land for settling other Indian tribes or freedmen. It was inserted not as a condition of the treaty but as defining the purpose of this Nation, and was one of the reasons advanced to the Indians to obtain their consent. At that time it was in accordance with the policy of the Government to settle Indians in the Territory, as fast as they could. Since that time however, it has determined to place no more tribes in the Indian territory. Here, then, is the point of the whole question. The Oklahomaites claim that since there is now no intention to use this land for Indian purposes, it is now open for settlement, being public land. On the other hand the Indian Department claim they cannot open it for settlement until the Indians express their willingness to have it so opened, without breaking faith, as both it and the Indians understood its purpose.
In 1876 Col. Boudinot, claiming to be the agent of the Cherokees, asked that this land be open for settlement. The Cherokees promptly repudiated both him and his action. The question, however, having been brought up, it was agitated and resulted in Capt. Payne organizing a band to go down and settle the land. He was promptly ejected, arrested for breaking the law against trespassing on Indian lands. He was found guilty; but, owing to a defect in the law, no penalty being affixed, he was allowed his liberty. This farce has been enacted six times. They have violated law in the eyes of the Government, but no punishment can be assessed.
Five years ago Payne began the organization of what is now known as Payne=s Oklahoma Colony, assessing each member $6 for mutual protection. Capt. Couch now claims 10,000 members. This foots up the large sum of $60,000. On account of this membership fund, the charge has been made, and we are inclined to believe justly, that it is a money making scheme. We say we are inclined to believe this because all appearances point that way. The statement of the leaders themselves is that each member on the raid is self-supporting, that the officers receive no remuneration whatever. In view of these facts, we take their assertions as facts. There is a large sum of money lying somewhere. It is not in the Colony treasury according to their statements. Where is it? We are unable to answer, and the leaders will not. This question was touched on rather hotly in their meeting here last Friday, but Couch, with the tact he has command of, hushed it up.
We are in favor of opening up this country. It would help Arkansas City in a degree not dreamed of; would shortly make her a city of the first class. But, notwithstanding all this, we denounce all such attempts as has been made heretofore--they are hopeless, foolish, and bare-faced robbery of the trusting followers of the slick tongued leaders. Our congressmen, our senators, and we people generally are in favor of it. But there is only one way it can be done, and that is to compel congress to take action in the matter. If this country ever is opened, it will be opened by law, and only by law.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
The Boomers.
Capt. O. S. Rarick, deputy United States Marshal of Arkansas City, arrived here on the noon train in charge of four of the boomer leaders: Capt. W. L. Couch, H. H. Stafford, G. W. Brown, and E. S. Wilcox. The gentlemen were very plain, farmer-looking men. They were supposed to be under arrest, but were allowed to go about where they planned and they always came back. They were taken before United States District Attorney Hatton who wrote a complaint against them, charging them with having Aunlawfully and feloniously conspired together to levy war against the United States and to oppose by force the authority thereof and to prevent, hinder, and delay the execution of the laws thereof.@
There was nothing in the appearance of these men that would lead an observer to suspect that they would tackle a government as large as the United States.
Capt. Couch, in conversation with an Eagle reporter, said they did not surrender to Gen. Hatch. The whole company, which consisted of 225 men, arrived at Arkansas City Friday morning and were accorded a public reception.
Their preliminary examination was set for February 10. They were allowed to enter into bonds for each other in the sum of $1,000 each to appear before Commissioner Shearman on the day named. Wichita Eagle.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
A. O. U. W. Social.
The members of the A. O. U. W., will give a social at the Masonic Hall Friday night, February 13. The following is the programme.
Address: J. A. Loomis, Objects and Duties of the Order.
Address: James Benedict.
Music: Members of the order.
Select Reading: M. J. Capron; Poem.
Select Reading: Miss Hattie Horner; Original Poem.
Address: M. N. Sinnott, short history of the order.
All members are requested to be present.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
South Bend.
Items of interest are very scarce at this writing.
Holcomb Bros. are working at what is called rough carpenter work, such as chopping and splitting wood.
Anyone who is desirous of a sleigh would do well to leave their order with McClung, Bryant & Co. Their motto is Ashort work and large profits.@
A. J. Grames is suffering with sore feet from wearing a pair of gum boots and a friend of his for the want of them to wear.
A series of meetings are being held at our schoolhouse by the Rev. G. Crawford, of Winfield.
A very able discourse was preached last Sabbath, by the Rev. Mr. Brink. X. Y.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
L. F. Copeland has been secured for another lecture next month. It is, of course, unnecessary to say that this peer of lecturers will be greeted by a full house.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
McCormick, the photographer, took an excent picture of the Oklahoma colonists as they marched into the citty last Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
The reserved seat plat for the Citizen=s course of lectures will be ready Saturday morning at the Post Office.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Arkansas City Markets.
As gathered from the different dealers in articles named.
Wheat, per bu. $.60
Corn, per bu. $.30
Oats, per bu. $.25
Potatoes, per bu. $.75
Apples, green: $1.25
Chickens, doz.: $2.50
Chickens, dressed, per lb. $.08
Eggs, per doz.: $.30
Butter, per lb.: $.15
Lard, per lb.: $.10
Dried peaches, per lb.: $.06 and $.08
Dried apples, per lb.: $.06 and $.08
Bacon, per lb.: $.10
Shoulders, per lb.: $.08
Hams, per lb.: $.12-1/2
Flour, per cwt.: $3.20; $3.00; $2.75; $2.40
Corn meal, 25 lbs.: $.80
Hogs, fat, per cwt.: $3.80
Beef cattle, per cwt.: $4.00 or $4.50
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
MARRIED. Mr. Elmer E. Mills and Miss Carrie E. Rowe, both of Arkansas City, were married at the Methodist parsonage in this city, Wednesday morning of last week by Rev. B. Kelly.
Sheriff McIntire captured, Tuesday, Rob. Perry, one of the four prisoners who broke jail at Wichita a few days ago. He took the prisoner to Wichita yesterday. He nabbed Perry at a place south of Arkansas City.
County Attorney Henry E. Asp is attending to his work in the most effective manner, cares ready, papers perfect, and sure convictions of the guilty, and is more than justifying all the good things we said about him during the campaign.
Winfield Courier.
The Udall Milling Company met Saturday night of last week, and besides other business, let several contracts. Jake Hammon & Co., have the conract for digging the well; Fitch Frohmann for hauling sand; and Ol. Hamilton and Tom Boyles to furnish the rock.
Last Saturday, the 24th inst., Frank Pinkerton and John E. Brunker went out equipped with two dogs and a stick and killed seventeen rabbits in about two hours. The boys are about fourteen years old. Who can beat that without a gun or a gray hound? Considering the age, of course.
While Conductor Meyers was passing from car to car Tuesday morning between Udall and Mulvane, the gentle breezes which were hilariously playing hide and seek about the cars, playfully lifted his cap and carried it off over a corn field. The train was stopped and the finely decorated headgear was recovered.
Udall Sentinel.
Three of Geuda=s brave sportsmen were out hunting yesterday, and after several hours of energetic searching for game, they finally discovered a large and ferocious animal. Supposing it to be a wildcat, they fired upon it and brought it to the ground. They then returned home with joy in their hearts, feeling proud of their adventure. They took their game to C. B. Willard=s market to be placed on exhibition. Our readers can imagine how the tail feathers of these three young men dropped when they were informed that it was only a large Thomas Cat. We withhold names for various reasons.
Geuda Springs News.
Burt Green, who has been spending a week in Arkansas City, returned last Saturday.
Winfield Tribune.
Abe Rosenfield, who went to Arkansas City some weeks ago, has returned to the city to stay, and can be found at the Arcade clothing store.
Sam Wile, of the Arcade clothing house at Arkansas City, spent Sunday with friends in this place.
Wellington Press.
A church at Arkansas City has been used by lewd characters during the cold winter nights, whereat the TRAVELER fairly howls and the authorities have set down on the lecherous Arapscallions.@
Wichita Beacon.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
[More Clippings.]
Hawks can soon be gotten rid of by placing a small particle of strychnine in meal and placing it out of the way of cats and dogs.
Bro. Standley, that will not work. A friend tried it. He put the strychinine under a large rock in his cellar where a cat or dog couldn=t Asort >o@ get at it, and not a hawk was disposed of.
Burden Eagle.
One of our young men with beautiful silken mustache and green eyes wishes a lady correspondent in Arkansas City.
Abe Rosenfield has a regular spasm of gush every time anyone asks about the Arkansas City girls.
Wellington Standard.
Rev. B. C. Swarts says there is a good deal of interest manifested at the revival meetings which he is holding at the schoolhouse. Many have to turn away, not being able to get into the building. The schools are also progressing nicely.
Wichita Beacon.
Reports reach us from the ranches below to the effect that more cattle died from slipping down icy banks onto the ice than from starvation or the extreme cold. The banks of the stream were one mass of ice, and cattle attempting to reach the water would slip and fall, sliding onto the ice on the creek, and then were unable to arise again.
Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Citizens Lecture Course.
A number of our citizens have secured an excellent course of lectures for this season. Our amusement loving public will now have a chance to hear some of the most eminent lecturers on the American state.
Next Monday night, Feb. 9, Geo. H. Wendling, the eloquent orator, will deliver his celebrated lecture on AThe personality of Satan.@
Anna Dickinson will shortly after lecture on AJoan D=Arc.@
The next on the course will be Robert L. Comnock, the elocutionist.
The last, Frank W. Smith, the hero of Andersonville prison, who suffered more than tongue can tell, will eloquently and feeling portray AIn and Out of Andersonville.@
Tickets for this course will be $1.00 and can be obtained at the Post Office anytime.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Public Sale. I will sell at my residence, in East Bolton, lots 1 and 2, section 35, Thursday, Feb. 12, 1885, the following described property: Three horses, five domestic cows with calf, five yearlings, five calves, one full blooded Berkshire sow and pigs. Also farm implements and household furniture. TERMS OF SALE. Sums of $5 and under, cash in hand. Sums over $5 eight month=s time will be given on approved security, without interest, if paid on or before maturity; of not so paid to bear 10 percent interest from date. JAMES UPTON.
AUSTIN BAILEY, Auctioneer.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
The Boomers Arrive Amid Great Eclat. Grand Reception.
We came, we saw, we=ve conquered.@We have again to chronicle another defeat of the boomers in entering the Apromised land.@ We have been informed time and time again that this time was a success. The TRAVELER insisted, against our wishes, too, but in accordance with our best judgment, that it could not be a success under the present laws. We know that the President and Secretary of the Interior can do nothing else than exclude all parties from the country as the law now stands. It was with regret we saw the parade of last Friday, for it showed us that once more the victory was--the other fellows.
We hope that the next time the boomers make an attempt to enter this country we may have a chance to use the big rooster we did not get to use for Blaine; and which consequently is getting rusty. We hope Congress will by that time give us a legal right to take homes in that country.
The boomers, to the number of 152 men, one woman, and 42 wagons, arrived at the outskirts of the city Thursday night. The citizens met them Friday morning and gave them a right royal reception. An imposing train they made as they marched in a body through the street. Their stock was in a surprisingly good condition, as we had been led to suspect from the previous reports that they were starving.
In the meeting at the rink Friday afternoon, Capt. Couch made a manly temperate speech, stating the circumstances of their removal in a way highly commendable to him, as he stated facts. We could but compare his statements to the mad ravings and senseless utterings of their former leader, David L. Payne. If these men make a success of this enterprise, which we sincerely hope they will, W. L. Couch is the man who can do it.
Resolutions were adopted condemning President Arthur for his action, declaring that he did so to protect the monopolists, and that his early retirement from the Presidency only saved him from impeachment.
Also declaring that, being citizens of these United States, they had a right, if any law was violated, to a civil trial, and condemning the use of the military to exclude them from lands they held to be rightfully theirs. They resolved to meet at this city March 4th and make another move upon that country, starting March 5th, to take three months= provisions with them, and to have not less than 5,000 men.
Quite a hot discussion was held in reference to ejecting from the colony membership all who did not meet here and participate in their next raid. It was finally voted down. The agents of the colony were instructed to make a report and settlement with the secretary for all the shares they have sold by February 15. Also to take up all the old shares issued by Payne and to issue new ones in their stead.
Capt. Couch, Col. S. E. Wilcox, and Judge J. Wade McDonald, of Winfield, were elected as delegates to attend the Oklahoma convention to be held in Topeka, February 3.
Adjourned to meet in this city March 5, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Our Dadies.
Council rooms, Feb. 2. Adjourned meeting. Members present,
F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor; C. G. Thompson, A. A. Davis, and T. Fairclo, councilmen.
Chicago Lumber Co.: $22.30
Ark. City Coal Co.: $105.45; $4.00.
Steadman Bros.: $1.75
C. McIntire: $3.30
Jas. Moore: $5.00
D. L. Means: $10.00
W. J. Gray: $3.00
C. Bundrem: $1.10
Howard Bros.: $.42
Petition of Commercial Building Association to put in large cistern and one cesspool back of Commercial Building granted.
Ivan Robinsin granted permission to retain his office on Central Avenue.
Mr. Samuel Clarke came before the board and made statement in regard to his understanding of contract between the city and himself, and on motion the City Attorney was instructed to go on and foreclose mortgage held by city on his machinery.
On motion the verbal contract between Mr. Clarke and city was cancelled.
Proposition of W. Ward to furnish dirt for east end of 5th Avenue was rejected.
The license on traveling troupes performing in Highland Hall was fixed at $2.50 from now on.
The Mayor was instructed to give what assistance was necessary in the relief of Mrs. Moore.
Moved and carried that if Mr. Miller will pay all the costs which have accrued now in thhe case of his son, the fine will be remittted.
Report of W. D. Kreamer read and ordered placed on file.
Adjourned sine die.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Look Out, Arkansas City!
We notice in the eulogy the Wichita Eagle pronounced upon Col.
J. W. Hartzell that the last enterprise that energetic man has undertaken is a railroad from Kansas City to Wichita, and from there south to the Indian Territory. A charter has already been obtained. This project, taken together with the proposition published in our last issue, which, we have no doubt was also submitted to Wichita, is full of danger to our city. Should this road be built and connect with the road from Wichita Falls, Texas, Arkansas City will be forever and eternally dead. We say this believing its truth. Our Southern trade will be cut off; no hope of any future southern connection can be held; new stations will surround us and our life blood slowly and surely sucked away.
The life of Col. Hartzell justify us in the statement that he will leave no stone unturned to accomplish his aim. What is Arkansas City going to do? Sit idly by and see our energetic neighbor mine the foundation of future wealth and prosperity from under us? See her make gigantic stands toward greatness while we sink by degrees into stagnation and obscurity? If we do not purpose this, it is high time something should be done. We have a proposition before us, what shall we do with it? If this one is impracticable, where is there a better? The future of Arkansas City and her citizens depends on us making speedy preparations to shut out such competition, and occupy the Territory ourselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Second Grand Drawing.
S. P. Gould gave another drawing at the city book store last week. The grand prizes were a $16 set of Dickens= complete works, a $6 work basket, and other articles of value from $5 down to five cents. The prizes were in all 102, with one hundred chances, no blanks. The set of Dickens= works was drawn by Mrs. Frank J. Hess, who held number 95, and the work basket by Al. Peecher, who held number 10.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Stock Notes.
It is estimated that the present style of branding annually detracts $2,000,000 from the value of hides marked in the west.
President Cleveland has stock in a Colorado cattle company located in Mesa County. It is said that he has invested about $10,000.
The southern Utes in Colorado are again off their reservation. It is estimated that their depredations the past season cost the stockmen not less than $50,000.
The great herds of buffaloes are disappearing from our western prairies. In 1881 St. Paul fur dealers received 100,000 buffalo skins; last year 10,000, and thus far this year only for [EITHER LEFT BLANK OR THEY MEANT TO SHOW NONE HAD BEEN RECEIVED...???]
It is said that one-half pint of castor oil, three ounces of sweet spirits of niter, and five drops of aconite, shaken well together and administered from eight to twelve hours apart will cure the Texas fever.
Messrs. Meyers & Dooley, of Salt Lake, have bought the 23,000-acre range in the lake, which they are stocking with cattle. They are using Hereford blood very largely to grade up their herds. The cattle are taken to and from the island by boat. No branding irons are used.
Mr. Cox, a prominent cattleman of Nevada since 1872, and at present connected with the SH outfit, says that the general experience of feeding cattle in Nevada has demonstrated the fact that more cattle are lost by feeding them than when left to rustle for themselves. His company commenced feeding some California grade dairy cattle, and as soon as a storm came up, they would break for the corrals and stay there. When once feeding was commenced, it had to be continued until grass came in the spring. He thinks half-breed northwest Texas cattle are the best for range stock, being natural rustlers. He also believes that the severe winters and a strict quarantine alone will preserve the northwestern ranges.
The Texas Stock Journal estimates that there are still nearly 80,000,000 acres of land in the state availavble for stock ranges. Much of the land that has been considered desert is being rapidly occupied for grazing purposes; the well-borer easily supplies the deficiency in water. With the introduction of thorough bred stock, which is constantly going on, the culling of herds, regulation of the increase, better facilities for transportation, and extension of farming interests, it is difficult to estimate the stock-producing capacity of the state. It is said that the ranges already occupied can be made to support double the present number of cattle and sheep. Texas should have 3,000,000 inhabitants and 30,000,000 head of stock in 1890.
A gentleman who came in from the west recently said to a reporter of the Commonwealth that between Grenada, Colorado, and Coolidge, Kansas, he saw over one hundred thousand head of cattle snow bound, with nothing to eat and almost on the point of starvation. Among them he noticed several dead ones, and if the snow lasts many days longer, the loss will be very great.
Many cattle have been frozen to death on Crooked Creek, in Meade County, during the prolonged cold spell. They got on the ice and were unable to climb up the steep banks.
J. B. Forbs, right of way man of the Wichita & Ft. Scott road, and T. F. Pryor, formerly mayor of Anthony, came in from the latter place Wednesday for the purpose of attending a delegate meeting for the purpose of organizing a district trotting circle and also setting dates for county fairs. Mr. Pryor gave us a pleasant call, and stated he had just returned from Salt Creek, forty-five miles southwest of Caldwell, where he and his brother have some 11,000 head of cattle. He says cattle never were doing or looking better. Wellington Press.
LAWRENCE, KANSAS, January 27. Earlier reports of unusual losses to cattle on the plains of Western and Southwestern Kansas are not confirmed. The losses are principally from the cullings and debris left over from last fall=s sale. The range cattle are doing as well as could be expected, considering the severity and duration of the recent storm--fifteen days of continuous cold weather, with snow on the ground from 2 to 6 inches and the thermometer hugging from 10 to 15 degrees below zero, is something unusual in Western and Southern Kansas. Col. Noble, general manager of the Wyeth Cattle Company, whose range is twenty miles north of the Oklahoma lands, using those lands for pasturage last summer and fall, said to your correspondent today: AOur cattle are coming on very well. We put up a fair quantity of hay last fall, and we have some shelter for them, but the winter has been the severest on stock, all things considered, I have ever known in Kansas.@
MARSHALL, TEXAS, January 27. General Superintendent Cummings, of the T. & P., has just returned from an inspection trip as far as El Paso. He says that the reports about the loss of cattle are greatly exaggerated, and that stock generally are in good condition.
A gentleman from Garden City, Finney County, just in from his ranch says: AYes, a large number of cattle are dying; but it should be understood that the class of cattle dying are not range cattle. They belong to what is known as the ARawhides;@ they were driven to Dodge City late in the season and are the culls of those offered in the market. They were purchased by men living along the railroad, at a low price, with the distinct understanding that they were liable to die, and they were turned out in the immediate vicinity of the railroad, and this accounts for the numerous dead cattle seen by people going through on the trains. The range cattle, or cattle which were on the range during the summer, are now looking fine. The loss on these will not reach 2 percent. A large percentage of them will make good beef today. I can say that our stock on the range is in better condition than cattle that are now being fed in Eastern Kansas.
NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, January 31. At the request of the Globe-Democrat correspondent, Mr. J. H. McConnel, master mechanic of the Union Pacific, on his last trip West into Wyoming, made special inquiries touching the present condition of cattle. He reports a larger snow-fall than usual both in Wyoming and Nebraska, varying in depth from three to eighteen inches; in many instances, the ground is yet covered to that depth. Wyoming cattle entered on the winter seige better prepared than the Nebraska stock, and very probably will suffer less. At present the cattle are looking poorly. Whether or not the loss will be great will hinge on the weather to succeed. Should February weather counterfeit that which the last week of the present month has furnished, the stock will very probably rally well, and but trifling loss will be sustained. On the other hand, should a severe February ensue, and be followed by bleak March winds, the suffering will be severe.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Stray Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned living four miles west and two miles south of Arkansas City, in Bolton Township, Cowley County, Kansas, seven head of cattle as follows: One black steer two years old; one yellow steer two years old; one spotted heifer one year old; one spotted heifer two years old; one white cow, one red cow, and one red heifer two years old. Brand marks on same are crop off right ear and under bit in left ear, some with S on left hip. FRANK LORRY.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Two Gordon setter dogs. One black with white spot on breast, the other black with red legs and chops, and red spots over eyes. Suitable reward will be given for their return or information of their whereabouts to HANK MOWRY or O. F. GODFREY.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Oysters served in all styles. AGEORGE,@ the original proprietor of the AArcade,@ will always be on hand, and be only too happy to wait on his old customers and give them a square deal for their money.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
I have six thoroughbred Poland China male hogs, I will sell at a bargain. C. M. SCOTT.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
BIG AD. HERMAN GODEHARD, -THE- BAKER, And dealer in Groceries, Flour, Feed, And a general supply of Oklahoma Colonist=s Necessities, begs leave to inform all those starting for the Promised Land, that he has been selected as their choice as trader in this city, by a committee appointed at a regular meeting for that purpose.
Remember the place--City Bakery and Grocery, first door south of the post office.
Arkansas City, Feb., 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Ad. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!
W. A. Lee has opened a large seed house on West Ninth Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Ad. MONEY TO LOAN on lowest terms by PYBURN & WALTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Ad. We have Apples and Iowa Potatoes in carload lots. H. Godehard.
AD. TO THE PUBLIC. We would like to inform all our old, and lots of new customers that we have again added Groceries to our stocks, and intend to keep a good assortment of Fancy and Staple Groceries In connection with our stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ETC., all of which we will sell as cheap for cash as any house in the city. We also intend to keep all kinds of Flour, Feed, Corn, Oats, etc. Are headquarters for all kind of Indian Goods, Moccasins, Gloves, etc. Don=t forget the place--same old stand, one door north of Arkansas City Bank.
Please give us a call and oblige your friends.